On fulfilling your dreams

Christoph Richter
1 min readDec 31, 2017


When you dream alone, it stay’s a dream. Only when you tell others, it becomes reality.
Since my Childhood, I have one dream, that I finally pursue.

My mother is a school teacher, this definitely influenced me a lot. It made me value teaching and teaching others. I am always humbled when I see the people I trained to succeed with their passion.
But beside of teaching, there was more.

Building with my own hands a school. A building, where for the next, maybe 100 years, children will be educated was always a special one.

But what happens with your childhood dreams?
You start pursuing a career, maybe building a family. Having some great holidays. You say “now is not the time”. Or “maybe next year”.
Actually, most of these childhood dreams are never realized. What a pity.

It even happened to me. Now that I built so many companies, and decided to have a break for a year, it took me 3 months into it, to realize I actually could finally pursue my dream.
Finally, start doing it.

So now, I’m flying to Nepal, and check out some Projects of the NGO I’m working with and start planning my school project. You will hear more about it here on facebook. Additionally, there will be more Fotos on Instagram 4(https://www.instagram.com/piffie/), and on the Chay Ya Austria page.

And please, also pursue your childhood dream! They are a part of you!
Mine is just starting to become reality! And I’m excited!

