CS 373 Fall 2023: Sean Dudo

2 min readAug 27, 2023


  • Where did you grow up?

I grew up in College Station, Texas. Home of the AGGIES!!! WHOOOP!

  • What high school did you attend?

I attended College Station High School

  • What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school?

Either Band or Wrestling. Both were really fun and I made lots of friends doing it.

  • Why did you come to UT?

I wanted to get away from my hometown but also not completely run away out of state.

  • Why are you majoring in CS?

I enjoy CS as I think it has a lot of different paths that one can go. So by choosing CS, I still had a lot more options than other majors.

  • Why are you in this class?

I am intersted in more front end development and there really isn’t a better class to get that experience from than this class right here.

  • What are your expectations of this class?

For it to get rough at times, but I know that I will also learn a lot.

  • How much do you know about Javascript/Python/SQL/Web programming?

In terms of knowledge, it would probably go Python >>> Javascript = Web Programming > SQL

  • How did you like the first lectures?

The frist lectures were fun. However I am in the SWE class with the same teacher so the first classes were really repetitive since the classes have the same format.

  • How did you feel about the cold calling?

Scary stuff, but I think it won’t be as bad as anxiety makes it out to be.

  • What do you think about specifications grading?

I agree with the 4 point grading scale. That makes sense for more realistic evaluation standards. However, the final grade being the lowest of all the columns feels a little silly to me, but I’m sure the profs have done lots of experimentations with this system and so they have good reason to have it like this.

  • What made you happy this week?

I am currently in Vegas and had a nice streak going at a blackjack table

  • What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I know its not new, but the computer roll call for the UT machines is always a helpful website that I use to see what computers get the most traffic of people. I try to find one of the not popular ones to use when I SSH.

