Updates on 5th Oct.

Metaland Official
3 min readOct 4, 2022


Update on both chains

New Gameplay — “ The Duels to the Top”

The Duels to the Top

Apply — Bet — Match — Rewards


“ The Duels to the Top” will be opened 2 times a day. Eligible players can spend 500 RBP (KCC)/100 RBP (BSC) to apply for the match.


TOP 500 in Arena

Hold at least 5 non-welfare NFTs.

The number of application times is greater than 0.

The application fee will be refunded if the applicant isn’t selected to participate. All applicants can check whether they are selected on the “ apply page”. All selected applicants can begin the battle after the betting period.


All players holding at least 5 non-welfare NFTs can use RBP to participate in the bet to guess the final champion among 16 players. Those who win the bet can get mRBP rewards with corresponding odds and duel medals which can be used for lotteries in the final bonus pool. 10% of the bets are official incomes and will be added to the bonus pool.


The final champion will be determined in four rounds: Eighth Final — Quarter Final — Semi Final — Final. Final TOP 4 players can be rewarded with mSRBP and duel medals.


Bonus Pool = Initial bonuses (official added) + Official incomes from betting + Arena extra bonuses

Players can use duel medals to draw bonuses from the bonus pool.

Adjust Evolution Cost

Evolution Cost

Adjust Season Rewards

Adjust season rewards (including arena & referral & world trees leaderboards) from MLS to SRBP. Arena winners adjust from TOP 500 to TOP 200.

Arena Bonus Time

Bonus Time 1: 9:00 AM — 12:00 PM UTC

Bonus Time 2: 7:00 PM — 10:00 PM UTC

Each battle at the above bonus time will be rewarded with an extra 2 RBP for winning and 1 RBP for losing and drawing.

Updates on KCC Chain

KCC Season 3

Arena Season

KCC Seasons 3 Duration: 5th Oct. — 20th Nov. (UTC)

Seasons Rewards: The Bonus Pool for each season is based on:

1) the growth of new users

2) the trading volume

Adjust KCC Breeding Cost

Increase RBP consumption, and decrease SRBP consumption

Eg: NFT A (breeding count: 1/7), NFT B (breeding count: 2/7)

The breeding cost between A and B is RBP (400+600), SRBP (10+12), and MLS (10+10)

Adjust NFT Decomposition

Due to the adjustment of breeding cost, the NFT decomposition rewards changed correspondingly. 25% of the initial breeding cost (200 RBP and 5 SRBP) will be returned.

Welfare Chest

Event Time: 5th Oct. — 11th Oct. (UTC)

Eligibility: Hold at least 2 NFTs (exclude gifted NFTs, and welfare NFTs)

Details: Eligible players can use 1 SRBP to buy a welfare chest and open it to earn various rewards. A player can purchase up to 5 chests per day.

Prizes: 20 — 500 mRBP, 150 — 3,300 mSRBP, 2,500–50,000 mMLS, 1080 Health Fruits, 270 Speed Fruits, 540 Finesse Fruits, 810 Wits Fruits, 180–240 lights of stars.

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