15 Tips to Stay Organized

6 min readFeb 20, 2018


It’s almost certain that every one of us at some point is in a complete chaos and asks themselves “How can I be better, how can I get and stay organized?”. That is why we summed up some of the best ways to rise above the mess and we will define every one of those ways and tips in the “how to stay organized” list below.

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1. Organize space

First on our list of tips to stay organized comes space managing. Working and living in chaos can produce a serious amount of negative energy and along with that — counter productivity. On the contrary, having control over your space and putting everything in its place can help you perform better, faster and easier. Many studies suggest that the environment that you’re living in or working in has a huge impact on a person’s mindset and efficiency. Overall, this is one of the common tips to keep yourself organized.

2. Organize time

There’s a good old saying “Time is money” and whoever came up with that saying is a 100% right! Organizing your time is another key tip on the “how to stay organized” list. Managing time will help you complete your tasks by the given deadline. On the other hand, wasting it will only cause additional issues in your plans and organization. There are many helpful ways to keep track of your time based on what you need to accomplish. We will cover the most useful ones in our next tips to stay organized.

3. Clean up

Cleaning up every now and then is a healthy thing to do if you want to keep yourself organized. Make some time in your day for cleaning. Trust us, it may seem unimportant and unrelated to organizing, but it is very necessary. Working in a clean and fresh environment is healthy not only for your body, but for your mind as well. And speaking of ways to stay organized, a person’s mindset plays a huge role in accomplishing that.

4. Clear up your thoughts

As we mentioned in our last tip of our “How to stay organized” list, developing a mindset capable of focusing on the necessary tasks is of a huge importance. Clearing your thoughts up from anything that will slow you down and make you lose focus will help you get on the right track and will keep your focus on the right thing. So next thing you need to do is build up your mindset and keep your focus on your schedule.

5. Make a schedule

Speaking of schedule, here comes the next tip on this list. Creating a concise time plan and following it on a daily, monthly or even on a yearly basis can be pretty hard. However, the question is, is it helpful? It sure is! Writing down your plans is a habit that will help you keep yourself organized and manage your time and tasks throughout the day easily and efficiently.

6. Write down your tasks

One of the ways to stay organized is writing down your tasks. It is proven that people who write down the things they need to accomplish are more effective and finish their tasks on time. Putting your goals for the day on a sheet of paper will constantly remind you of what you need to do in that day. Surely, this is a must if you want to stay organized and, of course, succeed in what you’re doing. Even better — take the post-its and stick them everywhere as reminders!

7. Manage your meetings

Good organizers don’t leave it up to others to manage their meetings — they do it themselves. Organize your meetings in accordance to your plans. Free only the necessary time for a meeting and work on that meeting only for the stuff that matter and are important for your job or whatever the meeting is for. Set up those meetings near to your workplace or the place where you will be at that moment before the meeting. Only that is how you will save time and keep yourself organized.

8. Use a calendar

A calendar can be a handy thing if you know how to use it. Mark every important meeting or day in the next month in it and from time to time, take a glimpse at that calendar. By doing that, you will find it easier to organize every day and make a schedule based on your calendar.

9. Organize your money spending

Another and one of the most important tips to stay organized is organizing your money. In today’s modern world, there are many ways to keep track of your money, income and spendings. One of the easiest ways is by using a smartphone app. There are many apps that you can choose from that offer organizing and noting your income and spendings.

10. Throw away unnecessary stuff

Often we are used to saying “Well i haven’t used that for a year now, but maybe I will need it”. The answer is no, you won’t need it. Just throw it away and free a little bit of space. Killing monotony by throwing away old unnecessary stuff and bringing in new stuff that you will actually need will produce a fresh energy to the brain. After all, the top way to stay organized that we mentioned on this list was organizing the space, and in order to do that you need to follow this tenth tip.

11. Work with deadlines

As human beings, we tend to lay on our backs and push our tasks from day to day if there isn’t any deadlines for them. I’m sure you have already noticed that in yourselves. That’s why deadlines are a necessity in the “how to stay organized” list. If no one gives you deadlines for your tasks and you are the “boss”, just set the deadlines yourself! Trust us you will still feel the pressure to finish the job on time. But be a strict boss to yourself!

12. Set up reminders

Often times we just say “I will memorize it, I don’t need to write it down or anything”. The truth is, you will forget it if you don’t have anything to remind you of that particular thing. With so many chores in this 21st century, forgetting is something that we all have in common. By forgetting stuff such as meetings, tasks you needed to do for a certain day or anything else, you only lose time and as we said previously, time is one of the most precious in another way is surely one of the best tips to stay organized.

13. Make things simple

If you’re still wondering how to stay organized, we’ve got a few more tips for you. One of those tips is simplifying things. Making things simple and not going in unnecessary details and over-complicating will help you organize yourself better and much easier. Spending too much effort when you don’t need to is the wrong way of doing things if you want to keep yourself on top of things.

14. Refresh yourself

Sometimes we force ourselves too much and we overfill our schedule only with tasks. However, every person needs to take a break and re-energize themselves. That will make a person more productive and efficient in the work that they are doing. So next time when you’re making your daily schedule make some time for a break in it.

15. Be in charge

Taking responsibility and not blaming others for your disorganization is our last and one of the key ways to stay organized. Being in charge means making your own appointments and organizing them as you want to. You don’t need to hire someone or ask someone to do that for you. You are the master of your organizing and of your time and schedule, so next time be in a complete control over that.

