The Start of Our Journey

Pillarwheel Studios
2 min readJun 9, 2022


Starting out anew can present difficulties. There can be past failures of your own, or others, that linger. There can be lessons learned not applied. There can be new lessons learned altogether. None of it happens, unless it begins.

At first, starting a new venture can present tedium that must be avoided and placed out-of-mind. All of the past’s content in its cup should be emptied before a new cup begins. I have registered domains, LLCs, created articles for incorporation, etc. Going through these steps can remind someone of the past. Like any relationship: it is better to leave that baggage at the door, and start on this new journey without weight that could set you behind before beginning. Apply some Sun Tzu here: “Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.”

I became inspired by a win from helping a startup become a success. I have learned from failures, but it is nice to have confidence from wins. At first: try and do as much as possible with the talents at your disposal: without any investment of your own money, and other’s time and money. There will be few shortcuts to having your own time saved, but it is the best resource to use when few are available. A startup can use the time of many others, but it should fall on the shoulders of the CEO, CTO, COO, and that which will become the core of the board of director’s.

At first, though, there is no board. There are too many directions to take. Best to stick to the basics of organization building, and see if the organization starts taking off like trying to get a kite into the wind. It may take some time and tries: but it should become apparent in a short relative time (in a few years): that the kite will take off.

Domain names are now secured, and LLC name reservations filed. Every step is different to secure a LLC in each U.S. state, and so am just following the one for mine. In the past: I have filed, or have been part of an organization the filed, for incorporation in Delaware. It was suggested if I were to do business in my home state of Arkansas: that I would need to file articles in both Arkansas and Delaware. Even though Delaware offers benefits of less regulations: we are going forward with just securing an LLC in Arkansas.

Logos, websites, domain names, social media links, etc. were the next items on the list. I have been developing business plans, articles of incorporation, tokenomics, and our initial product and services for a few years, but now the next steps are to get these in the hands of those that can serve these products and services under the “PillarWheel Studios” banner and then start to fly that banner to the public!



Pillarwheel Studios

Pillarwheel Studios seeks a balance between technical and artistic endeavors to deliver inspired visions to reality.