International Women’s Day 2022

3 min readMar 15, 2022


Hari ini, 8 Maret 2022, atau yg biasa kita peringati sebagai Hari Wanita Internasional, sebenernya agak lupa sih kalo tudei is women’s day, lol💀. soalnya akhir-akhir ini lagi agak lifeless, unstable, emotional, can’t do basic hygine like brushing my teeth, shower, etc. I’m lacking motivation & can’t get anything done. even my exams, I didn’t get it done (I missed some numbers bcs I ran out of time. fak lah🤡). why am I like this? bikos I’m on my period & the worst side of me is bAAACKKK, Y’ALL😍🩸Lah kok dadi enggres kabeh? awikwok sangat.

tp tau ga sii, apa yg lebih awikwok? aing pas tahun baruan, (pas udh jam 2pagi nya sih, where I finally have time for myself) aing rayain tuch dengan nulis harapan-harapan yg semoga terjadi di 2022 (manifestation lah istilahnya), di sono, aing literally nulis sendiri di binder, “semoga tahun ini ikut demo peringatan women’s dayyy AAMIIN😘,” lol, dan tauu gak sih aku dapetnya apa??; did I get what I want? No💀Obviously💀 I GOT EXAM WEEK INSTEAD🤡 (God, why?)

I know that no one’s asked me about this, tp aing betulan nangis btw ://///

yaudin tuh nangis di kamar sampe langitnya ikutan nangis, deres bgt pula nangisnya, sample kamar gua bocor noh🤡. & mumpung deres juga, lemme put my gentong outside, collecting sum (acid) rain watah☔🧪

nangisnya udh, now Imma take a bath in my back yard with these rain water coz they really relaxing & I think y’all should try it (at least once) if you have secured/closed backyard; especiallyif you have a bunch of plants (or maybe a tree) there.

no, there will no ghost appear, Lmao. most of you are just hallucinating.

& idc tho if some of you think I’m weird. well, I agree, but rain bathing is actually benefiting my inner mind with peace & I feel my energy recharged after doing it. idk if it’s because of the rainwater itself or bcs I shower with plants (and a big ass tree) around me?? I think it’s the plants, they do have a big role in creating such a peaceful, zen, and serene atmosphere, & it was 7 pm (& gerimis), there were no people talking around the neighborhood.

so, yeah, that’s it🧍🏻‍♀
klean ngapain aja buat rayain International Women’s Day?

telat 7 hair gafafah lah ya, mana pake bahasa kentut🙇🏻‍♀️

if I'm being honest, in ga disengaja woyyy. ini pure kalimat2 (ga juga sih, pasti ada yg disunting) yg keluar dari kepala, emang nyampur2 bahasanya👩🏻‍🦯

ITS MY PURE THOUGHTS👹welcome to my brain!!🧠 🧍🏻‍♀️

