Installing Grafana and Prometheus on Windows 10 System

Pinaki Mishra
3 min readJul 20, 2022


What is Grafana

Grafana is a multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application mostly used with Prometheus to which monitor metrics. The best part is it provides various dashboards, charts, graphs, alerts for particular data source.

Installation of Grafana on Window

Navigate to and Download Grafana for windows (

After installation check Grafana Service is running

Check on Services for Grafana Service

After installation, navigate to defaults.ini (…\grafana\conf) [ Based on the location where you have installed Grafana]. Under SMTP, Set enabled as true

Set enabled as true for smtp

After enabling smtp, navigate to http://localhost:3000/login

The default username and password is admin.

After logging with default username and password the next subsequent screen will show to change the password. Upon successful password change, you will be navigated to home page

What is Prometheus

Prometheus is an Open source Linux Server Monitoring tool , predominantly used for metrics monitoring, event monitoring, alert management etc. Prometheus collects and stores its metrics as time series data and uses Powerful Query Language (PromQL). Uses multiple nodes for graphing and Dashboarding. It provides out-of-box monitoring capabilities for K8 container and orchestration platform

Installation of Prometheus as Service in Windows

You can download Prometheus for windows from However, installing prometheus as a service you need to use NSSM explorer.

So, if you have installed Grafana first then NSSM explorer must be downloaded as part of Grafana. You can go to the path where Grafana is installed and can find a folder named as “svc-”. Under this folder you can find nssm.exe.

If you have not installed Grafana in your system then you can install Prometheus by downloading nssm.exe. you can download from

Navigate the NSSM.exe path through command prompt
Run Below Command:

nssm.exe install prometheus <The path where prometheus application downloaded>

For example:

Prometheus Installation as a service using NSSM

Open service.msc and you can see prometheus service is installed

Once successfully installed , you can verify the same on Services

Before starting the prometheus service, install WMI Exporter:

For installing WMI Exporter, you need to download wmi exporter from

Post installation of wmi exporter, you can validate by navigating to http://localhost:9182/

Click on Metrics link

You can also validate windows_exporter service is running:

Navigate to prometheus config file path and open the “prometheus.yml”

You need to add job for wmi exporter , as shown below

Now run Run Prometheus service

After starting Prometheus service, navigate to http://localhost:9090/

Now you can access Prometheus service.

Do share your feedback. Thank you.

