Top 5 Tips For Developing On-demand Grocery Android Application

Pinal Goda
4 min readNov 22, 2022


As the technology in the grocery industry evolves, retailers have had to adapt their business models and develop new strategies.

The rise of on-demand retail and grocery businesses has provided consumers with more convenience and flexibility than ever before.

This trend is bleeding over into other areas of retail, including grocery stores.

On-demand grocery delivery is becoming more common, but it’s still not something that everyone can do yet.

That said, if you’re interested in developing an app for your local grocer or supermarket chain, then this article will show you how to make it happen.

Here are some tips:

Filtered Search

The first thing that most android development service providers add to their app is a search feature.

It will allow users to easily find information about the products they’re looking for and make it easier for them to navigate the store.

The second thing you need is a good way for users to filter their results by price or brand name so that they only see what’s relevant based on those criteria.

Thirdly, don’t forget about accuracy!

Make sure all your data is correct before releasing any updates or new products into stores/apps.

Tracking & Delivery

After placing an order, the user sure would want to track their order.

You can use the tracking number and delivery status in the app to see your order’s progress.

The app should allow you to change the delivery address. It is useful. For example, if someone ordered the wrong product or something else in the first place but then realized their mistake and wanted to change it after receiving an email from us about our mistake (we’re not perfect).

High-Quality Ui/Ux

User experience (UX) is the user’s interaction with your product through your Andriod app’s User interface (UI).

It’s what they feel when using it and how they interact with it. UX is a combination of form, function and emotion.

Form refers to how you present your app’s information — from animation, layouts, colours, and fonts.

Function refers to how easy or hard it is for users to find what they want or need in your app. For example, if there are too many options displayed at once or not enough information about each option on offer, users can make an informed decision about which offer best suits their needs at any given time.

Emotion relates specifically here because emotions help us decide whether something feels right or wrong based on how we feel about its design; this includes things like colour schemes (red vs green), font choices (serif vs sans-serif), button sizes etc.

Proper Listing Of Products And Stores

You first need to ensure that your product and store listing is accurate.

You should also make sure that it’s up to date, so if a product goes on sale or has new information added, you’ll be able to update the app accordingly.

Lastly, you have to make sure that the navigation in this section isn’t too confusing for users by making them jump from one screen to another too quickly.

Payment Options

There are many payment options available for Android applications.

Credit card: You can use this option to pay in-app purchases and subscriptions, as well as make purchases from Google Play Store.

Gift card: According to the companies which provide the Android development service, this is a great way to accept payments from your users and offer them discounts on their next purchase. It’s also easy for you to track what users are buying with their gift cards so that you can improve the experience for everyone involved.

All of these payment methods must be easy and flexible for users, so think about how many different ways there are for people who want something from your app (in addition to using cash).

For example, if someone wants her groceries delivered right away but doesn’t have enough money on hand right now but would like some coupons later down the road — maybe they could save up until they’re ready but still receive some extra savings along with their order?

That might just work better than having nothing at all!


You can now see that building an on-demand grocery Android app is not as hard as you thought, especially if you follow the right steps.

Besides, it’s important to remember that your app should be a good user shopping experience.

The same goes with all other types of apps too.



Pinal Goda

Pinal is a React Native Developer working with Gtech Web Infotech Pvt. Ltd., a leading mobile app development company in USA.