2 Netflix Shows That Helped Me Quit Netflix

Now I hope they don’t remove these shows!

Pinar K.
3 min readOct 20, 2022
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Do you feel bad after binge-watching an entire new series that is not even going to have a new season for the foreseeable future?

Now, I don’t think that Netflix is necessarily bad if you have a good control over your watching behaviour.

Things were a little different for me.

I thought I was rock-solid and didn’t really feel impacted by the pandemic.

I even enjoyed it when the pressure to commute to work, to meet people all the time or even to put on pants was not there anymore.

What I didn’t realise was that I developed a new addiction during this time: watching THE Netflix.

I mean like all of it. Obviously, I am exaggerating but it did feel like I watched it all.

Now, I want to talk about a few shows that made me realise this addiction and helped me to quit the platform altogether.

1- The first show was Cobra Kai.

Cobra Kai?

Isn’t that about the bad guy from Karate Kid and how he is actually not that bad? Yup.

I don’t even know how I ended up watching this show in the first place but it turned out to be amazing.

It’s full of messages about authenticity and being true to yourself.

This resonated with me so much and helped me question the rut I was in the past few years.

I wasn’t doing anything I liked. I was feeling lazy and without energy all the time.

Seeing a bunch of kids fly their kicks around made me really want to get off my ass and move.

But I wasn’t quite ready to quit Netflix yet.

2- Then I saw another series called Detox.

This was a French comedy series about two cousins who decide to start a digital detox.

They decide to give all their electronic devices and go offline for a month and see what happens.

It really inspired me and made me remove Netflix off my browser. I don’t even know the password of our account* anymore and I am happy.

*My husband is not quite ready for deleting it completely.

I also joined the gym around the same time and have been feeling much more energetic and much less lazy since then.

I am reading and writing only about things that interest me and I feel like I took back control of my life and am being true to myself.

Now the challenge is to keep this mood going.

Society and the real life worries are creating some kind of a resistance against solely focusing on my passion projects — but I am determined to find a way.

You too, don’t give up on things you truly care about!

Sure we need to somehow survive in this society but what is the point of turning into Zombies who don’t feel anything and are so exhausted doing things they hate that by the end of the day, they only have energy for silly TV shows or cat videos?

Especially if you are a creative or a woman who is suppressed by society’s narrow minded understanding of what is decent, normal or successful — don’t numb your pains.

Follow them as clues to get out of that rut.




Pinar K.

Thoughts on Society, Belonging, Culture and Language.