Pine & Iron Training Co.
11 min readJun 2, 2023

There is no better feeling than a tiny human wanting to tag along on an adventure with you. However, a lot of us reserve our runs for training and a break from the day-to-day. But this could be a great start for your kid, since most kids sit at home and play video games most of the time. It’s also a great way to revitalize your runs because you’ll find that your tiny human sees the run in a very different way than you do.

Trail running with kids is not only a great way to stay active as a family but also an opportunity to create lasting memories and foster a love for the outdoors. As the popularity of trail running continues to grow, more parents are discovering the joy of sharing this exhilarating adventure with their children. From exploring beautiful trails to embracing the sense of freedom and discovery, trail running offers a unique experience for both parents and kids alike. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of trail running with kids, provide essential tips for getting started, and offer practical advice to make your trail runs enjoyable and safe.

Getting Started with Trail Running

Introducing your kids to trail running can be an incredible way to instill a love for physical activity and nature from an early age. It provides an opportunity for them to explore the outdoors, develop a sense of adventure, and strengthen family bonds. Here are some essential tips to help you get started with trail running as a family:

1. Start Slow and Gradual

When introducing kids to trail running, it’s important to start with shorter distances and gradually increase the intensity and duration of the runs. Begin with easy and well-marked trails that offer a mix of natural beauty and excitement. As your kids become more comfortable and develop their endurance, you can gradually explore longer and more challenging trails.

2. Focus on Fun and Exploration

Make trail running an enjoyable and interactive experience for your kids. Encourage them to explore their surroundings, stop to examine interesting plants or wildlife, and take breaks for impromptu games or storytelling. This sense of adventure will keep them engaged and excited throughout the run.

3. Embrace a Positive Mindset

Trail running can be a fantastic opportunity for your kids to develop resilience, determination, and a positive mindset. Encourage them to embrace challenges and celebrate their achievements along the way. By fostering a positive attitude, you’ll help them build confidence and develop a lifelong love for outdoor activities.

4. Set Realistic Expectations

Every child is unique, and their abilities and interests may vary. Set realistic expectations based on their age, fitness level, and individual preferences. Be supportive and understanding if they need to take breaks or adjust the pace. Remember, the goal is to have fun and create positive experiences that will encourage them to continue trail running.

5. Lead by Example

As a parent, your enthusiasm and commitment to trail running will greatly influence your children’s engagement. Be a positive role model by consistently incorporating outdoor activities into your routine and demonstrating a passion for nature. Your kids will be more motivated to join in and follow your lead.

6. Encourage Teamwork and Collaboration

Trail running with kids is an excellent opportunity to foster teamwork and collaboration. Encourage siblings to run together, take turns leading the way, and support each other throughout the run. This teamwork not only strengthens their bond but also creates a sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment.

Essential Preparations

Before embarking on a trail running adventure with your kids, it’s important to make the necessary preparations to ensure their safety and enjoyment. Here are some essential steps to take before hitting the trails:

1. Gear Up

Invest in appropriate gear to keep your kids comfortable and protected during the run. This includes well-fitting trail running shoes with good traction, moisture-wicking clothing to regulate body temperature, and lightweight backpacks to carry essential items such as water bottles, snacks, and a small first aid kit. Consider the weather conditions and choose clothing layers accordingly.

2. Hydration and Nutrition

Stay hydrated and energized during the trail run. Encourage your kids to drink water before, during, and after the run to prevent dehydration. Pack healthy snacks such as trail mix, energy bars, or fresh fruits to keep their energy levels up. Teach them about the importance of proper nutrition and how it fuels their bodies for physical activity.

3. Sun Protection

Protect your kids from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen with a high SPF before heading out on the trail. Additionally, consider providing them with hats and sunglasses to shield their faces and eyes from the sun. Remind them to reapply sunscreen regularly, especially during longer runs or when exposed to direct sunlight.

4. Teach Trail Etiquette

Educate your kids about trail etiquette and the importance of respecting nature and fellow trail users. Teach them to stay on marked trails, avoid littering, and leave no trace behind. Encourage them to appreciate the flora and fauna without disturbing the natural environment.

5. Safety Measures

Prioritize safety during the trail run. Ensure your kids understand basic safety guidelines, such as looking out for obstacles on the trail, alerting others of their presence when passing, and stopping or walking in challenging sections. Establish a plan for what to do in case of an emergency, and teach them how to navigate their way back to familiar landmarks if needed.

6. Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Before starting the trail run, guide your kids through a warm-up routine to prepare their bodies for physical activity. This can include light stretching exercises, jogging in place, or dynamic movements. After the run, lead them through a cool-down routine to gradually lower their heart rate and prevent muscle soreness.

Trail Selection and Planning

Choosing the right trails and planning ahead are key to ensuring a successful and enjoyable trail running experience with your kids. Here are some important considerations when selecting and planning your trail runs:

1. Research and Explore

Take the time to research and explore different trail options in your area. Look for trails that are suitable for kids, considering factors such as distance, elevation gain, and terrain difficulty. Seek out trails that offer scenic views, interesting features like waterfalls or wildlife sightings, and a variety of natural elements to keep your kids engaged and excited.

2. Start with Familiar Trails

For beginners or younger kids, start with trails that are familiar and close to home. This familiarity will help them feel more comfortable and confident during the run. As they gain experience and build their endurance, gradually introduce them to new and more challenging trails to keep the excitement alive.

3. Plan for Breaks and Exploration

Kids have a natural curiosity, so plan for breaks during the trail run to allow them to explore their surroundings. Identify points of interest along the trail, such as viewpoints, streams, or rock formations, where you can pause for a mini adventure. Encourage them to observe plants, insects, or wildlife, and engage them in discussions about nature and the environment.

4. Be Mindful of Distance and Pace

Keep in mind the age and fitness level of your kids when planning the distance and pace of the trail run. Start with shorter distances and a slower pace to ensure they have a positive experience. Gradually increase the distance as their endurance improves. Allow them to set the pace and avoid pushing them beyond their limits.

5. Check Trail Conditions and Weather

Before heading out, check the trail conditions and weather forecast. Ensure the trail is safe and suitable for running, considering factors like recent rainfall, trail maintenance, and any closures or warnings. Dress your kids appropriately for the weather conditions, layering clothing if needed, and always carry a rain jacket or extra layer in case of unexpected weather changes.

6. Share the Trail Rules

Teach your kids about trail etiquette and safety rules. Instruct them to yield to other trail users when necessary, such as hikers or mountain bikers. Remind them to stay on designated trails and avoid straying off-path to protect the natural environment. Instill a sense of responsibility and respect for both the trail and fellow outdoor enthusiasts.

Engaging and Motivating Kids

To ensure a fun and rewarding trail running experience for your kids, it’s important to engage and motivate them throughout the run. Here are some strategies to keep your kids enthusiastic and excited during their trail running adventures:

1. Make it a Game

Introduce elements of playfulness and friendly competition during the trail run. Create games like “I Spy” where they can spot different natural objects or challenge them to collect certain items along the trail. By turning the run into a game, you’ll keep their focus and make it an enjoyable experience.

2. Set Achievable Goals

Help your kids set achievable goals and celebrate their milestones. Break the trail into smaller segments and encourage them to reach specific points, like a viewpoint or a landmark. Acknowledge their accomplishments and provide positive reinforcement along the way. This will boost their confidence and keep them motivated.

3. Incorporate Nature Observations

Encourage your kids to observe the natural surroundings during the trail run. Point out interesting plants, animals, or geological features along the way. Teach them about the flora and fauna they encounter, and engage them in conversations about the wonders of nature. This will enhance their connection with the environment and make the run more educational and engaging.

4. Share Stories and Conversation

Use the trail run as an opportunity for quality bonding time. Engage your kids in conversations, share stories, and encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings. This open communication will not only strengthen your relationship but also make the trail run more enjoyable and memorable.

5. Encourage Exploration and Curiosity

Allow your kids to explore side trails or detours, within safe boundaries, to satisfy their curiosity. Let them pause to investigate interesting rocks, leaves, or wildlife sightings. Nurture their natural sense of exploration and encourage them to ask questions about the environment. This sense of discovery will make the trail run more exciting and enriching.

6. Be Supportive and Positive

Offer continuous support and positivity throughout the trail run. Encourage your kids during challenging sections, provide words of motivation, and offer praise for their efforts. Your encouragement and positive attitude will boost their morale and make them more enthusiastic about trail running.

Safety Measures and Precautions

Ensuring the safety of your kids during trail running is of utmost importance. By following proper safety measures and taking necessary precautions, you can minimize risks and create a secure environment for their trail running adventures. Here are essential safety tips to consider:

1. Plan and Communicate

Before heading out on a trail run, plan your route and communicate it with someone you trust. Share details such as the trail name, estimated duration, and your expected return time. This way, someone will know your whereabouts in case of an emergency.

2. Stay Hydrated and Fuelled

Encourage your kids to drink water regularly throughout the run to stay hydrated. Pack sufficient water and healthy snacks to keep their energy levels up. Monitor their hydration and remind them to drink, especially on hot days or during strenuous runs.

3. Be Mindful of Weather Conditions

Keep an eye on weather forecasts and be prepared for changing conditions. Dress your kids appropriately in layers, taking into account temperature fluctuations and potential rain. In case of severe weather warnings, consider rescheduling the run to ensure their safety.

4. Trail Awareness and Navigation

Teach your kids to be aware of their surroundings and follow trail markers or maps. Explain basic trail navigation skills, such as reading signs and using landmarks. Encourage them to stay on designated trails and avoid taking unfamiliar or unsafe paths.

5. Buddy System and Supervision

Practice the buddy system, where kids always run in pairs or small groups. This ensures they have a running partner to support each other and can quickly raise an alarm if needed. Additionally, provide proper supervision during the trail run, especially for younger children or on challenging terrains.

6. First Aid and Emergency Preparedness

Carry a basic first aid kit with essential supplies like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and blister patches. Familiarize yourself and your kids with basic first aid procedures. Additionally, have a plan in place for emergencies, including knowing how to contact local authorities and understanding the nearest exit points or emergency shelters.

7. Know Limitations and Listen to their Bodies

Encourage your kids to listen to their bodies and be aware of any discomfort or fatigue. Teach them to communicate their feelings and concerns during the run. Respect their limitations and be prepared to adjust the run accordingly or take breaks when necessary.

Enjoying the Trail Run Together

Trail running with your kids offers a unique opportunity for quality time and memorable experiences in nature. It’s a chance to bond, explore, and create lasting memories. Here are some ways to fully enjoy your trail runs together:

1. Cherish the Moments

Take the time to appreciate the beauty of nature and the joy of running alongside your kids. Embrace the sights, sounds, and scents of the trail. Engage in conversations, share laughter, and create a positive and joyful atmosphere throughout the run. These shared moments will become cherished memories for both you and your kids.

2. Capture the Experience

Bring along a camera or smartphone to capture special moments during the trail run. Take photos of the breathtaking views, your kids’ smiles, and the adventures you encounter. Documenting these moments allows you to relive the experience and share it with family and friends.

3. Celebrate Milestones and Achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate the milestones and achievements of your kids during the trail run. Whether it’s completing a challenging section, reaching a specific distance, or simply persevering through the run, praise their efforts and express pride in their accomplishments. This positive reinforcement will boost their self-confidence and make the trail run even more rewarding.

4. Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability

Keep in mind that trail running with kids may require flexibility and adaptability. Be open to adjusting the pace, distance, or route based on their energy levels and interests. Allow them to explore detours or take breaks when needed. By being flexible, you create an environment where your kids can fully enjoy the experience without feeling pressured.

5. Reflect and Share Stories

After the trail run, take a moment to reflect on the adventure. Ask your kids about their favorite parts, what they enjoyed, and any interesting discoveries they made. Share your own experiences and stories from the run. This reflection time allows for deeper connections and encourages your kids to develop their own love for trail running.

6. Plan Future Adventures

Use the trail run as a launching pad for future outdoor adventures. Discuss and plan upcoming runs or hikes with your kids. Let them be involved in choosing new trails, exploring different environments, and setting goals for future adventures. This anticipation builds excitement and keeps the enthusiasm for trail running alive.


Trail running with kids is a wonderful way to nurture their love for the outdoors, promote physical activity, and create unforgettable family experiences. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this guide, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trail running adventure for your kids. Remember to start slow, engage their curiosity, and foster a positive mindset throughout the journey. Embrace the beauty of nature, celebrate their achievements, and cherish the moments spent together on the trails. Trail running with your kids will not only strengthen family bonds but also instill a lifelong appreciation for the great outdoors.



Pine & Iron Training Co.
0 Followers based in Colorado, inspires and guides individuals to enhance their mindset, fitness, and love for the outdoors.