5 tips for all designers to help them excel in their design careers!

3 min readFeb 15, 2019


Source — https://dribbble.com/shots/3826032-Illustration-about-How-to-become-a-designer

1) Don’t be a perfectionist

When you become a perfectionist you turn egoistic and then you are scared of making mistakes in your life. However, if you don’t make any mistake, then how are you going to grow, learn or even try out new things, in your life? Perfectionists only see themselves and without realising it you would be losing a whole lot of new opportunities trying to stick to what you believe in and push other talented friends, designers, bosses and many other people away. Instead, be open to new ideas and let loose, you’ll at the least have some fun!

2) Be open to feedback

Feedback is the best way to learn about your weaknesses and strengths. Feedback related to design or life could help you take a pause and reflect on all your decisions with a fresh outlook so that you can produce even better work after. Feedback is not limited to young or fresh designers. Even if you are a Sr. designer, or a businessman or a CEO, it doesn’t matter, feedback is vital for everyone’s personal growth.

3) Try to keep learning & keep yourself updated

Technology is evolving every single day. We as designers need to fill in the gaps between technology & users. This is why learning and keeping yourself updated is important. As designers, we need to understand advanced technologies to bring in a seamless user experience into a user’s life. Along with the advanced technological wave, there is a massive growth in digital products at an equivalent level and so as the hero’s for users we need to make sure that the human and digital interactions reflect the non-digital habits of the user every time the technology upgrades itself.

4) Every designer should learn about marketing!

If you know how to market yourself, you know how to sell your designs, which helps you obviously, in turn, become a popular or well-known designer in the industry. Techniques to market oneself are most lacked in designers. Just imagine, if you know how to create the most beautiful functional designs but can’t seem to tell the world about it, how would you get the clients then?

Being an international award-winning designer, I always see myself falling slightly behind because I have to learn to market myself more often. Everybody loves my portfolio and praises me but I lack the skill set to make my work into something bigger and meaningful, other than just good looking functional designs.

5) Constantly network and make new connections

Networking is a great and quick way to exchange ideas and generate new ones. It also helps you socialize which in turn can bring in new points of views and let you understand your user's psychology better. Empathy is the biggest strength of a UX designer because until unless you have not put yourself in your user's shoes, entirely, you won’t know if the shoe (aka the design) fits well or not. Design’s major function should be to solve various user’s problems, so do that while connecting with other designers and make friends so that you are subconsciously upgrading your skill sets paralleling.

Written by Saumya Sarangi & edited by Dhisti Desai

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