The art of simplicity in UX design

The Pineapple Slice
4 min readJul 3, 2019

We live in a paradoxical world where the systems behind any interface are designed to be complex in order to give out an improved user experience, however, users expect an interface that is simplified and friendly.

How do we meet these demands of converting an extremely complex system to a simplified interface that enables seamless user interaction?

The only way to cater to this is by gradually learning and adapting the art of simplicity in UX design.

What is simplicity in UX design?

Simplicity in UX design is subjective and everyone has a different perception around it. They are often referred to like designs that are ‘clean’ and help demystify products that are difficult to understand.

However, for me simplicity in UX design is

“Designs that clearly portray the mission of the product while allowing users to interact with them in an easy and straightforward manner”

I have put examples of some widely recognized companies that exemplify this definition of simplicity.

The Apple Way


Designing beautiful products that can be used by people across any age without being intimidated by the rigid complexities of it.

Apple Inc’s simplified solution:

Apple has a complex set of systems that handle multiple tasks for the user such as calling, allowing storage, creating photos and so on.

The simplistic route taken by Apple Inc. was to create an operating system that allows the user to focus on the right elements and remove the inconsequential elements from their purview. This helped the users to easily attain their goals.

Simplicity doesn’t necessarily refer to only clean designs and minimal colours with effective white space. It is also about making sure that every feature of the product is relevant for the user.

The WhatsApp way


Creating a messaging system that will allow users to communicate anywhere in the world with ease, without any barriers during communication.

WhatsApp’s simplified solution:

WhatsApp caters to more than 1 billion users. and manages billions of messages flowing through intertwined layers of software.

How does it still create an impactful user experience?

The answer is — simplicity in usage and accurate features.

The app sets a clear direction for the user from the first interaction with the app. Although the app has limited features it allows users to interact with the application with ease. Features such as the ability to mute group chats, or showing the availability of the only when they are “online” are proven to be extremely useful. These relevant features make it a seamless and the most widely used messaging application in the world.

The clarity in navigation simplifies the mission to let the user focus only on the important elements that help in conversing.

The Tinder way


Allowing worldwide users to connect and increase romantic connectivity amongst them through their platform, which is referred to as a dating mobile application.

Tinder’s simplified solution:

One important aspect that is the core behind simplistic designs is ‘clarity’.

Here clarity refers to how clearly the product is explained. Complex management systems which are significantly hard to comprehend require clarity more than minimalism. Each feature has to be created in a way that explains the usefulness and “Why” a user should utilize that feature.

For example, the “Star” which is the Super Like feature on Tinder clearly explains that it will allow the other person to know that you are extremely interested in them.

Tinder is powered by intricate matching algorithms that allow users to see the most relevant and appropriate matches based on their profiles. It even takes cues from the photographs you upload to determine your personality. Uploading multiple photos, and filling up details is definitely not “simple”. However, the app attains simplicity by providing clarity on each step.

On entering the app, the user knows that swiping right indicates liking a profile and swiping left indicates a dislike. This explains the use of the interaction to the user without any effort.

No matter how hard or complicated a system is, it can be made clearer, which in turn will achieve the end goal of simplicity in design.

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