How To Generate Solar Installation Leads

ping call
3 min readAug 10, 2023


Solar leads are potential customers who want to install solar panels for their home or business. These kinds of leads are generated from various sources such as internet sites, digital marketing, and from references. When the solar leads are generated, their contact details get shared for later use. The main details provided by the customers include information related to name, address, email and phone number.

Generating and converting Buy Solar Leads is the primary aspect of the solar industry, resulting in the overall growth of renewable energy adoption and a more sustainable energy landscape.

Solar leads are broadly categorised into various types based on their level of interest, engagement, and readiness to make a purchasing decision. A few of the most common kinds of Solar Leads include:

Cold Leads

Cold leads are those individuals who have shown some interest in solar energy and are the beginning stage of their searching. Though these leads might have interacted with some solar-related content, or visited a solar website in the past, they have not taken any action. Such customers look for assistance to develop a better understanding about the available solar solutions.

Warm Leads

Warm leads are potential customers who have shown more inclination towards solar energy and look for detailed information, subscribed to a solar newsletter, or engaged with solar content multiple times. They are keen to know more about the benefits and potential of solar systems.

Hot Leads

These are the customers who are highly engaged and actively look for information about solar solutions. They also have requested a quote, and have provided their contact information online. These leads are further along in the buying process and are more likely to convert into customers.

Residential Leads

Residential leads are individuals or households interested in installing solar panels on their homes. These leads often seek to reduce energy bills, increase energy independence, and contribute to a greener environment.

Commercial Leads

Commercial leads are businesses or organisations interested in adopting solar energy solutions for their facilities. They are driven by potential cost savings, sustainability goals, and enhancing their corporate social responsibility.

Having a detailed understanding of different types of solar leads let solar companies create customised marketing and sales strategies to effectively nurture and convert them into customers. Each type of lead requires a targeted approach to address their specific needs, concerns, and motivations.

Future of Solar Leads

With the rapid growth in the solar energy industry, targeting the right solar leads has become much more important than ever before. Solar energy has the potential to significantly reduce dependency on fossil fuels and create a better and green eco system.

With more businesses now turning to Solar Lead Generation, getting solar leads is a way to increase your customer base. So connect with Ping Call’ experts to get qualified solar leads, the right way to boost your solar business.



ping call

Hey there, I’m ping. I’m a fitness instructor living in 31W 34th Street, New York, NY 10001. I am a fan of technology, web development, and innovation.