Introducing PINGPONG: Revolutionizing DePIN with DeFi #DePINFi

6 min readApr 9, 2024


Our two flagship products — the Aggregated & Dynamic Mining App and the Omni-chain DePINFi Money Market — are live. Feel free to try them out!

Ever wondered why, despite all the buzz around DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks), we’re not quite living in that promised utopia yet?

Let’s start with a fundamental principle: the positive cycle between supply and demand drives industry growth. However, the DePIN sector is currently grappling with challenges on both fronts:

On the Supply Side:

  1. High Entry & Maintenance Barriers: The dream of decentralizing compute resources faces a stark reality — participating in DePIN network mining requires access to high-end hardware and/or dev skills for setting up mining nodes. The process to join these networks is far from user-friendly, involving manual addition of nodes or networks, frequent updates, and complex device configurations and maintenance works. This complexity has made DePIN mining an exclusive game for seasoned miners, leaving the average individuals aside.
  2. Limited Mining Rewards: Currently, miners can only manually connect their devices as nodes to a narrow selection of DePIN networks, leading to underutilization of their compute resources with unsatisfactory mining rewards and not enough incentive to provision their machines for DePIN mining in general.

On the Demand Side:

  1. Fragmented Development Experience: Unlike the unified SDK of centralized cloud services, each DePIN network is designed to provide very different services needed in an application’s lifecycle, written and packaged using different tech stacks, creating a very fragmented development experience. Developers are forced to maintain multiple client connections, leading to increased development time and extremely high infrastructural overhead.
  2. Room for Improvement in Service Quality: DePIN networks struggle with unpredictable uptime and limited compute resource depths, significantly impacting service range and reliability. This inconsistency, coupled with geolocation-based latency and the volatile pricing of services in native tokens, complicates developers’ efforts to deliver stable, efficient applications. The result is a challenging environment that can deter the adoption and growth of DePIN-based services.

How can PINGPONG change the DePIN game?

Recognizing these challenges, PINGPONG steps in as the pivotal DePIN liquidity and service aggregator. We transform compute resources into a new form of liquidity and elevate the quality of DePIN services to energize the DePIN ecosystem. And we are achieving this transformation with our three flagship products, strategically targeting both the supply and demand sides of DePIN, building a healthy flywheel to get the ball rolling:

  • On the supply side, we have the Aggregated & Dynamic Mining App that maximizes users’ mining efficiency and yields. In addition, the Omni-chain DePINFi Money Market brings a dynamic marketplace for DePIN derivative trading and aggregated staking, offering better liquidity and opportunities for wider participation and diverse benefits.
  • On the demand side, the DePIN All-in-one SDK improves DePIN services by providing a unified development experience and reliable uptime, boosting the DePIN ecosystem’s demand.

Aggregated & Dynamic Mining App

PINGPONG’s pivotal product — Aggregated & Dynamic Mining App— is designed to lower the barrier to entry for DePIN participation and maximize users’ DePIN mining yields. It provides an easy gateway for anyone with a PC to participate in DePIN mining. With just a few clicks, users can connect their personal devices to multiple DePIN networks and mine on them at the same time, optimizing their mining activities with advanced algorithms for higher efficiency and rewards.

This approach ensures that users can easily and effectively engage in DePIN mining, maximizing their yields without the need for high-end hardware or extensive technical knowledge.

Omni-chain DePINFi Money Market

We want to encapsulate the essence of DeFi within DePIN to complete the DePIN ecosystem and facilitate its scaling. That’s why we built the PINGPONG Omni-chain DePINFi Money Market. It enables users to make the most out of aggregated DePIN mining yields and trade various DePIN derivatives. It is here to ensure everyone can easily and fairly capture value from DePIN x DeFi, we call it DePINFi.

The DePINFi Money Market offers a variety of compute-resource-based, yield-bearing derivatives. These financial instruments include but are not limited to:

  • P2P Compute Resources Lending & Borrowing: The PINGPONG Compute Resources Liquidity Protocol allows users to lend their idle compute resources and borrow additional compute power. It utilizes PINGPONG’s Native Staking & Slashing Mechanism, ensuring the delivery of resources.
  • DePIN Aggregated Mining Yield Futures: These are contracts where users can agree to buy or sell future DePIN mining yields at a predetermined price, to be delivered at a specified future date. Buyers can lock in a fixed return on future yields, protecting themselves from price fluctuations. Sellers, usually the owners of compute resources, can secure a guaranteed price for their future output, ensuring predictable income.
  • Aggregated DePIN Mining Yield Tokens: Leveraging the volatility of DePIN mining yields, the aggregated DePIN mining yield tokens provide miners with a range of yield management options and generate tradable DePINFi derivatives with different levels of volatility. It allows miners to convert mining profits into instant liquidity, while also allowing yield token buyers to access fluctuating interest rates in a more capital-efficient manner, as they do not need to pay for the underlying compute resources.
  • Points Trading: Points mined from DePIN projects represent mining contributions and can be traded on the DePINFi Money Market. By selling their points, miners can monetize their mining efforts before the official tokens are released, providing immediate value and liquidity. Point buyers benefit by acquiring these points early, potentially at a lower cost, and positioning themselves advantageously for when the projects issue tokens.
  • DePIN Aggregated Staking: Users can stake their DePIN tokens into aggregated staking pools and earn aggregated staking yields. Staked tokens are represented by liquid staking tokens (LSTs) that users can trade or use within the DePINFi ecosystem. The value of LSTs increases over time as staking yields accumulate.

DePIN All-In-One SDK

The SDK stands as a testament to our commitment to improving service quality within the DePIN ecosystem, boosting it from the demand side. By addressing the fundamental challenges of fragmented development processes and unreliable network services, the SDK offers:

  • Unified Development Experience simplifies the integration of diverse DePIN services into a streamlined development workflow.
  • Network Health Monitoring ensures high reliability and uptime by dynamically adjusting to network performance.
  • Geolocation-Based Response Time Optimization minimizes latency by intelligently routing requests based on the physical distribution of network nodes.
  • Machine Availability Monitoring guarantees access to necessary compute resources, especially for tasks requiring significant processing power.

We are committed to changing the game of DePIN through our products. In a world where compute power is becoming as precious as gold, we’re standing on the edge of a future where the ones with the most compute resources rule.

Our mission is straightforward: we are here to democratize access to compute resources through DePINFi. Technological progress should bring about equitable progress, not widen the gap between groups of people. We believe in providing equal opportunities for all to engage with these resources effortlessly — almost like playing ping-pong!

Keep an eye out for exciting developments ahead! Follow us on X and join our Discord!




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