HH Algorithm

Habit Hacks

Viswanath Subramani
3 min readAug 13, 2017

In the World of ultra-connectivity and information-flood in from all 8 directions, figuratively, a common human is as good as a drowned smartphone.

It is really hard to concentrate with all the distractions isn’t?
Okay, First things first,

4W & 1H questions answered

What’s the fuss about hacking Habits?

It is a simple habit building exercise from a structured Algorithm.

Make way! Let’s Build Good Habits!

Why do I need it?

I had given a picture in the intro of what people generally go through with information flood. So, in order to be motivated and have a true sense of accomplishment by baby stepping toward your goals in life, you need to be disciplined. We can debate on self-discipline at great length to only arrive at below conclusion.

healthy Habits → self DisciplineConcentrationClarity towards goals → Accomplishing goals sooner than you thought → Fixing higher goals for yourself → 10 x Healthy Habits.

Okay, I buy that. How do you hack habits; healthy Habits?

Nothing worth comes easy, but habits do; both good and bad. Remember the bad habit that you so badly wanted to get rid of, but you still practise?

Biting your nails, checking Facebook 3 times a minute, unlocking phone to check notifications even when you know you haven’t got any and ofcourse, checking out stats on Medium or any other content/media publishing platform, the list goes on and on.

Think about it, how did they crop up into your daily schedule? Unknowingly it came to you, so subtly, gradually, silently and now, its reinforced concrete! That’s ok, we have a solution to fix this. A working Algorithm!

Introducing HH Algorithm
Like how you let bad habits come to you subtly and gradually, they go back the same way. Once they go, good habits come to you the same way. And how do bad habits go? When you neglect it. Or, when you stop treating it with so much priority and respect. How do you do that? Practice good habits. It’s really a one way channel with circular dependency. That’s how it works.

HH Algorithm

  1. Choose
    Pick a good habit that you would like to practise. For example, lets pick Meditation here.
  2. Start
    Good habits give beneficiary results early morning or just before Sunset.
  3. Break
    Cut down the habit into small, doable pieces that requires minimum preparation. For example, in meditation, all you gotta do is, close your eyes and do nothing for a while (the toughtest job on the Planet). And its prep work include small stuff like, face wash, brush teeth, and maybe additionally, clean-tongue (which actually is a proven preventive measure to not taste bad food!). These come under morning duties for most people (and if not, you seriously need to consider paying a visit to Psychiatrist). So, pretty doable, right?
  4. One minute
    This is the performance phase. The small doable chunk you have now; practice it for one minute. Daily. Consistently. Consistency is the key here. For example, Meditate for 1 minute. That’s it.
  5. No pushing
    Do not push yourself and stress out by making it hard to practise daily. If you are doing that, you have gone wrong somewhere in step 3 or 4.
    Go back to step 3 and check if that was really just the minumum doable piece of work.
    Go back to step 4 and check if you are doing it only for a time just enough.
  6. Increase (Subtly, gradually, Softly)
    Increase your practice time slowly over days or weeks. Ok, you know what, this happens naturally. So, never mind. Skip this step.
  7. Goto Step 1
    Continue building more good habits!
oh! how cute!

Few other 4W 1H questions answered.

Who can practice?

People. Anybody of any age. As long as they live and breathe in Earth, Moon, Mars or anywhere.

When to practice?

This is already answered in Step 1 of the Algorithm. Apart from that, individual time preferences works for certain other habits. So really, I leave it upto you guys for choosing the best.

Happy Habit — ting! 😉

