5 Things I learned from Lady Gaga.

Nikhil Kulshreshtha
4 min readNov 21, 2018

Now, this must NOT come as news to all of you that I am in fact a little monster (Lady Gaga fan) and had been one since the day I first tasted what is called as the” Bad Romance”. Lady Gaga has to be one of the generation-defining artists and I am not quoting it in those creep hyping fans who just slaps the QUEEN tag on any phoney lass out there. Her success was a story in itself and so was all that went up and down in her life. We saw her grow from a zany artist to a most sophisticated jazz singer out there. Lady Gaga was not just an artist I liked; she was a person who connected to me on deep levels. She made me see a lot of things which I never knew existed in the world or within me (Like RuPaul, Alexander McQueen or the fabulous poses I am capable of).

Well, Lady Gaga has to be a great teacher for she taught me some of the most important lessons which I know.

  1. Be Yourself- Born This Way might be the ultimate LGBT Anthem out there but Come on don’t say that it is not relatable to everyone out on this earth. Lady Gaga has never been the one to make people conform to society. She believes in acceptance how it is okay to be not like everyone else and love yourself just the way you are.
  2. You are much more than what you seem to be- She came, she saw and she conquered the charts. She was the Pop Diva we never knew we needed. She was serving us hits on hits and was having a blazing pop career; which made it not so surprising we tagged her as the “general pop diva”. You know those auto-tuned, extra costumes, profane and nude hitmakers formula gal. Well her scandalous outfits made us think that well she is nothing more than a piece of meat. The surprise kicked in when you hear her live; she is a damn well-trained singer with powerhouse vocals. She is a bloody good singer with an impressive genre range from electronic pop to smooth jazz. She made one see that you can always be much more than what people think out of you, so go surprise people just when they think they know all of you.
  3. Make a spectacle of life every day- Life is too short to not make a big deal out of it. She believed in making life a show people will not forget for years. Her tours have been larger than life experience which is not just music but a world on its own from where you never wanna come back. Be inspired to be like that, to make a spectacle of your every day and make them count. It’s not what you do or say but it is all things big and small that happens which should not make you regret a single step of life.
  4. Popular Opinion is not something that should govern you- ArtPOP, Joanne, Cheek to cheek are all the albums which I assume are only known to the fans who stuck with her in the long haul. Every song and video of these albums had comments like bring back the old gaga, ‘gaga is over’ and what not. People are not ready to accept that she is a person who matured with time and composes music based on her personal feelings and experiences rather than what popular audience demands. She refuses to be bound to formula and do things that serve her right. The long pause after ArtPoP to rediscover herself is what she needed and she took despite people calling it a career suicide. Venturing into movies like machete kills or the award-winning role like that in American Horror Story- hotel or the much awaited and absolutely enticing role of hers in A Star is Born, she never bound herself to the ‘popular opinion’. This has to be the most daring thing I learnt from her. It is the hardest to follow and the most taxing one but then it only when you create your own path that you make an impact, a legacy that years to come will see. Your life is your own and you will never achieve the success you want from opinions have of you
  5. Family, friends and compassion are important in life- It is no secret Lady Gaga is a daddy’s little girl and a darling to her family. She has been very vocal about how she still is a girl from New York who loves to spend time with her family. She has written songs which are inspired by her family. She is a compassionate person who cares for her fans and is a strong advocate for mental health, anti-bullying, LGBT acceptance and other good things. She made me realise that your family is your source of inspiration; it is the sink for all your problems and fallacies. The family is the one support that stays there for you when no one is. So love your family. Be compassionate and try to change the world for good whenever and wherever you can.

Well that was what she taught me besides the endless hours of entertainment and really good music she blessed us with. Go on, get yourself a sip of the elixir Lady Gaga is and trust me things will never be the same and you will be grateful for it.



Nikhil Kulshreshtha

Speak your heart out, let raw emotions conquer. Let your desires be wild and your intentions be pure, then you will be soul you wished to be!