BULLEON has very good news for BUL token owners

Alan Pinkerton
1 min readJun 27, 2018


BULLEON has very good news for BUL token owners, because it offers one-time and quarterly dividends. This feature makes this project even more attractive for investors and “hodlers”. Dividends will be sent to those addresses, whose BUL tokenownership will be proved by blockchain snapshot.
The details are following:

BUL owner’s share
- Bulleon financial management undertakes to transfer 40% of the company distributable profit to the dividends distribution smart-contract on a quarterly basis.

One-time dividend payment
- At the end of the Phase 10, 80% of surplus funds (ETH) will be distributed to the top 25% in total ownership percentage in relation to total surplus of funds.

Quarterly dividends
- 40% of operating profit will be paid quarterly to the top 25% in total ownership percentage in relation to total operating profit of the whole company.

This concept is great and could shift this project to the most successfull projects of this year !

For more information, please follow: https://bulleon.io/

