Pinkey Studio
2 min readApr 1, 2024

24 Best Canva Font Pairings to Uplevel Your Design

Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash

Font pairing involves combining two or more fonts to create contrast, hierarchy, and visual interest while maintaining cohesion.

When done effectively, font pairing can enhance readability, highlight important information, and evoke the desired mood or tone.

Here are 24 font pairings that work well in Canva:

  1. Playfair Display and Montserrat
  2. Versailles and open sans
  3. Homemade apple and kollektif
  4. Raleway and playlist script
  5. League spartan and glacial indifference
  6. Coustard and Lemon Tuesday
  7. Pinyon script and Josefin sans
  8. Lato and Sacramento
  9. Libre Baskerville and feeling passionate
  10. Abhaya libre and dancing script
  11. Sanchez and Lato
  12. Maiden Orange and Open Sans Condensed
  13. Rubik One and Oswald
  14. Source Sans Pro and Raleway
  15. Special Elite and Merriweather
  16. Satisfy and Roboto
  17. Rozha One and Open Sans
  18. PT Sans and PT Serif
  19. Over the Rainbow and Open Sans
  20. Chewy and Playfair Display
  21. Sailors and Cerebri Light
  22. AbeeZee and Sweet Belly
  23. Hey Gotcha and Evolve Sans
  24. Great vibes and Raleway

Go ahead, unleash your creativity, and let your fonts do the talking!

Canva font combination

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Pinkey Studio
Pinkey Studio

Written by Pinkey Studio

Canva & Notion creator, Marketing and Productivity Enthusiast. Get an email every time I publish content:

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