How to use PinkSale Testnet

Pink Ecosystem
2 min readJun 19, 2021


In order to use PinkSale testnet you will need to connect your Metamask to Binance Testnet and you need to have few BNB testnet coins. Follow our steps to use PinkSale testnet:

Step 1: Connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain Testnet

PinkSale Testnet is working on Binance Smart Chain — Testnet version so in order to use it you need to switch your current Smart Chain or Ethereum Mainnet to Binance — Testnet.

Check out the steps below for how to switch your network to Smart Chain — Testnet using Metamask, desktop version.

  1. Select Settings from the dropdown menu.

2. On the Settings page, we want to locate the Networks menu.

3. In the Networks menu.

Then you can Save the Network and return to the main view, you’ll notice two things: the network has automatically been set “Smart chain — Testnet”

Step 2: Getting BNB from Binance Smart Chain Faucet

Note: You only can get 1 BNB for every 24 hours

Step 3: Connect Your Wallet to PinkSale

Check out the steps below for how to connect MetaMask to PinkSale, desktop version.

  • Go to the PinkSale website
  • Click on “Connect” in the top right corner
  • Select MetaMask then click “Connect” in the MetaMask pop-up
  • You will now see your wallet address in the top right corner
  • Now you can test all the features of PinkSale

