Life Lessons And Lunch with Real Estate Icon-Dave Liniger!

Sue ‘Pinky’ Benson
5 min readApr 27, 2017


Things I learned from my lunch with Dave.

Recently, I got to spend a couple hours with one of the original entrepreneur icons, Dave Liniger, the founder of RE/MAX. To say it was honor, a highlight in my real estate career, would be an understatement. You may be surprised to learn it wasn’t because of what he’s done to create his empire, although that’s pretty damn impressive in itself. I learned a lot about Dave, his business and life outlooks during our lunch. For example, he created RE/MAX to prove he could do it. He set out to show that he could manage a business, when others thought he couldn’t. (Haven’t we all been there?) Did he anticipate it was going to turn out like this, well he hoped, but no, it wasn’t his initial goal. That’s just a sample of the life lessons I took away with me that afternoon.

I won the lunch by entering a video contest put together by RE/MAX Corporate office. Videos being the way the real estate business is going and an everyday part of my life, I decided what the heck, I’ll go for it. I was one of four winners who got to spend a few hours with Dave and his buddy, service dog, Max.



In the course of the afternoon, he started to weave together a timeline of his life. A veteran, he spoke of how he relisted over and over again returning to what many thought of as hell, but where he felt proud. Proud to be representing his country, even in the depths of Vietnam he learned one of his life’s first lessons. Helping others by sharing knowledge. In this case, Dave taught his commanding officer how to become a better shot, ultimately leading the officer to win a competition. The commanding officer was appreciative of Dave’s help, which lead Dave to his next level in military training. Dave says he saw and learned the importance of continuing to help others around you.


Dave spoke about the importance of time. We should never lose focus on what’s really important, taking time to be with our family and to just relax. He says to plan ahead for some much needed and required down time. Book the airplane tickets and then you won’t be able to cancel. Time you spend enjoying the moments of life with those important in your life will refuel for your future, and you need that, whether it’s in work or play.


We also talked about his return from the brink of death. Just a few years ago, Dave emerged from a four month coma. They told his family he would possibly die with each surgery they did, and each time he preserved. Once out of the coma, the doctors said, you are a paraplegic. You won’t ever walk again. Dave’s response, “Get me a calendar, and let’s have a meeting.” Why? He picked a day and told them, “I’m walking out of this facility by then.” The only people to question him? The doctors. More than once the days he chose came and went, but he kept readjusting, and eventually he did it. Now he walks, and he has a great furry friend to help him too, Max. The takeaway? Don’t believe what others say about you. You are in charge of what will come. Create your goal, and be dedicated to it. The results will follow. Another great gem, Mr. Liniger.


Dave spent time talking about love and marriage as well. Having been through a divorce, he was open about what he learned. His biggest take away, “Don’t ever talk bad about your ex spouse in front of the children.” He applied that to all relationships in his life, both personal and business. Talking bad about someone else, in front of someone who respects them, only makes you look bad. So hold your head up high, bite your tongue and walk on.


Dave was generous with his time. He even allowed me to do a quick five minute interview LIVE on Facebook. I got to ask him those questions that had been floating around in my head for days. But the big one that I had to ask, “What is your why now” ? Without missing a beat, he defined what he wants in life, what he wants for his company, and for his agents. He listened to me as I explained my why. Always know your why (that comes from both Dave and myself).

Facebook LIVE with Dave Liniger, Founder of RE/MAX


The biggest takeaway for me was when Dave said, “It’s not the events in your life that define you. It’s how you choose to react to those events that will define you.” This man defines many things for me. Success. Tenacity. Defiance. But most importantly he defines to me what I can be if I put my mind to it. I may just be a small agent in Naples, Florida, but he took the time to sit with me and tell me his stories and what he’s learned in his life. I hope I can grow up and be a storyteller like him. Because we all have stories to tell, and we need each other to hear them and to learn from them. Thank you Dave!

Sue “Pinky” Benson is a licensed Florida Realtor with RE/MAX Dream in Southwest Florida. You can find her on Facebook at Pinky Knows Naples. If you’d like to know more about Pinky, check out her website as well:



Sue ‘Pinky’ Benson

Naples, Florida / 🏡 Florida Real Estate Agent🌴 🎥 Video Marketing Queen 👑 👗 Fashion Lover 👠 👍 Social Media Marketer 🎉 💁 Enjoys all things PINK 💗