5 mistakes to avoid while posting free job ads online

3 min readNov 25, 2019


Employees are the vital part to run the company successfully so the human resource department tries their best to attract candidates for different vacancies. The process starts with the publication of the job ads and spreading the same so that the job-seekers can easily check and apply for the post. The companies publish the opening either on their website or on the other job portals which ask for monthly or yearly charges. Spending on the job post is easy for the companies to whom small expenses do not matter but the companies with restricted budgets like startups can post free job ads online. In this digital era, posting online job ads gets the maximum attraction due to increased networking and the use of social media.

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The platform is perfect but the competition is huge because there are unlimited jobs posted from the competitors every day. Most of the job ads posted online are similar so it must be effective and without any mistake. It happens that while publishing the vacancies online, people make some mistakes which later give the wrong results by not attracting the attention of the job-seekers. To avoid any such complications, it is good to follow below-mentioned points:

1. Avoid excessive use of the keywords- Use of keywords in the job ads is a must but it should not affect the message of the post. The excessive use of keywords and phrases can lose the interest of the candidates and they might avoid applying for the post. The language of the job post must be like who wants to collect maximum resumes.

2. Avoid unconventional job titles- The job titles of the ads must be specified according to the vacancies so that it looks professional. The use of the weird job titles might make the candidates disinterested for the post and they can move on to the other post. Sometimes, the use of the right title can also increase the searchability of the ad post.

3. Do not forget the salary information- It is a truth that people work to earn so most of the job-seekers apply for the job according to the salary that the employers are offering. The biggest mistake that employers do when they post free job ads online is that they do not mention the salary range. This keeps the job-seekers skeptical and avoids applying.

4. Avoid using long paragraphs to write job description– The employers should follow some listing formats so that it becomes easier for the job-seekers to read and understand. None read the complete job descriptions at one go so it should be written in multiple paragraphs. Small paragraphs increase interest in reading.

5. Avoid tight deadlines- Most of the job ads include the last date to apply but it should not be so restricted. The first time job posting should be open for at least a week so that it gets maximum time to attract the applicants. In case the time is limited, it will narrow the number of resumes.

The online job posting is a tricky technique that can attract maximum candidates if posted properly but on the other hand, it can also deteriorate the image of the company with a single mistake. Also, in case the company is the first-time user of the online job posting, they can post free job ads online on different websites and check the response.




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