Paulo Pinto

Paulo Pinto

UX UI process

19 stories

Swiss Army Knife equipped with every attachment possible
Paulo Pinto

Paulo Pinto

Career & Soft Skills

9 stories

This image illustrates a career progression chart for design roles within a company. The progression starts from “Junior Designer,” moves through “Intermediate Designer,” and “Senior Designer.” From “Senior Designer,” there are two pathways: one leads to “Design Manager,” then “Senior Design Manager,” and finally “Director of Design.” The other path from “Senior Designer” leads to “Design Lead” and then “Principal Designer.”
Paulo Pinto

Paulo Pinto


1 story

AI image in the cartoon style of 1960s. Personalization as a prism or as a portrait. UX lessons from Google about AI personalization algorithm and what we should do about them.
Paulo Pinto

Paulo Pinto


4 stories

A designer sitting in front of a computer shouting “I am saving the world”. In the next panel, we see an a concerned Planet Earth character who is looking at their cellphone while catching fire.
A still from the Simpsons with Homer standing in front of a crowd in front of a sign that says “Can’t someone else do it?”
A black & white photo with a person standing on empty land, holding umbrellas, vanishing into the mist.