Another Blue Marble: What Mars Looked Like When It Had Water

3 min readNov 19, 2017

Donald Trump wants to send a crewed mission to Mars in the 2030s, Elon Musk has plans for humanity to become a multiplanetary species and NASA’s Curiosity rover is busy taking photos that I can’t help but love to study in detail.

Space colonization and Mars in particular are really on mind and so I always wonder what it would look like once we’re able to terraform our not so distant red neighbor.

Maybe a human race originally started out from Mars, but had to abandon it after some cataclysmic event tens of thousands of years ago leaving behind this harsh, dull-red landscape with all its cracked surfaces.

Fortunately, there are guys like the software engineer Kevin Gill who has created nice renderings to give us a glimpse of what Mars might have looked when it still had oceans and a thicker atmosphere.

Gill created a digital map of the planet by using information from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter. He then simply used an editing program to create oceans and obvious fauna shaping the current Mars’ terrain:

