Artificial Intelligence: The Potential To End All Diseases And Death

4 min readJul 8, 2017

What is life all about? Did you ever ask this question? One can be pretty sure that we all have pondered it once in a while. Life has always been the promise of death and once people realized it, they mostly went on to enjoy the years in light.

It was also a philosophical question that arose whenever the hardship of our existence became unbearable and people were stuck in a time and age that didn’t offer much salvation. It wasn’t until the late 20th century that we finally expected more thanks in large part to all the medical advancement and changes in society.

However, it takes a whole lot more to tackle the issue of life and its inevitable end. In fact, not even sci-fi came up with a meaningful way of presenting a future without death (even the science-loving Star Trek needed its own planet, Ba’ku, to do so).

It was not until recently that humanity witnessed the beginning of artificial intelligence, hence signaling the potential to end all disease and death eventually.

Many companies are looking further into A.I., promising the ultimate gift and one company, in particular, was awarded the ‘Most Promising Company’ title at the Palo Alto Personalized Medicine World Conference back in 2015.

