Fire And Rage? Why Elon Musk Is Fearful About Artificial Intelligence

3 min readSep 11, 2017

Elon Musk did it again and this time he’s not showing a new product in front of a roaring crowd. Instead, he’s kicking it up a notch and officially shares his opinion on the next level of Artificial Intelligence.

His latest tweets now show a pessimism that is both remarkable and quite unusual for a multifaceted character like him. In short, his latest disaster scenario is the most pessimistic ever.

What happened these days that Musk so bluntly tells everyone that doomsday is nigh? Yesterday, he expressed his fear of an existential threat to humanity more drastically than before by responding to messages made by Russian President Vladimir Putin:

This striving for ultimate digital supremacy could very likely trigger a third world war. Musk has been very…

