This Is E3 2017: Sony Is No Talk And All Action But Fans Still Wanted More

3 min readJun 13, 2017

The Japanese Giant of the gaming industry curiously decided to pack all sorts of announcements and trailers into a pre-show already. It all started with a fresh Crash Bandicoot trailer and the lesser anticipated Knack II followed by a collection called PlayLink offering different games that you can actually control via smartphones.

Then there were new trailers for Matterfall by Housemarque sporting a unique approach of controlling matter situated in a distant future and an in-depth look behind the scenes of Polyphony and GranTurismo Sport that finally gets an estimated Fall 2017 release date.

Extended trailers for Tropico 6 and the successor to the award-winning JRPG Ni No Kuni were also shown in the pre-show, driving home Sony’s point that this year’s presentation would be more about what the company doesn’t say: We are leading the pack and a console is only as strong as the line-up of games supporting it.

Of course, PlayStation VR was also covered with gaming experiences hoping to attract more players but somehow felt like a lukewarm attempt a bit reminiscent of what happened to the Vita a couple of years ago.

Anyway, what was the presentation like you ask, did we get to see at least glimpses of The Last Of Us 2 or Shenmue III and what was…

