Bitcoin terrifies me

Piotr Pawlak
1 min readDec 7, 2017


If the growth pace keeps up, next week entire “Project Bitcoin” will be worth more than Apple Inc., and en route to grossing USA Annual GDP.

I’m not jealous, that The Winklevoss Twins became billionaires, and I’m not mad at myself for not spotting the opportunity earlier, even just a few months ago. Nope. Instead, I am deeply worried about what is about to happen to this world and to all of us.

It is so easy to enter cryptocurrency game. It was never easier to enter any money-earning game. With Bitcoin gains almost guaranteed, people prefer to put their savings on Coinbase, etoro or Bitbay, buy some cryptocurrency and wait. If this is so simple to open an account and see your money grow…

  • Why would anybody want to work???
  • Why would anybody want to build products???
  • Why would anybody want to save money in the banks???

Without employees, businesses will die.

Without novelties, new values will not be created.

Without wish to save in banks… banking system will collapse.

Something tells me the armageddon will start from the latter. People demanding to withdraw their money and banks shutting the withdrawals down. And this is just the beginning…

College-level education, based on the drive to create values will stop making sense. Need to have a job not applying to people who had some savings in December 2017 (probably the smartest guys out there). And the world run by people who probably have no clue how to deal with this crypto-madness…

Somebody help us.

