[Bull Market Gameplay] Doubler’s advanced mechanism

If you don’t know enough about the basic mechanism of Doubler, it is recommended to read the basic article first to understand some of the mechanism patterns. Otherwise, it may be difficult to understand the profound meaning of this article.

10 min readSep 14, 2023


Doubler has been in a state of unprecedented popularity recently, but there are still many people who do not have a thorough understanding of the specific gameplay mechanism. Therefore, I hereby write an analysis and suggestions on the advanced gameplay of Bull Market for your reference. I believe that after reading this article, everyone will Will have a deeper understanding of this project.

I won’t repeat the most basic gameplay analysis. Those who want to understand the basic mechanism can find tutorial articles in the official Discord.

PS: Doubler is hailed by many as the light of the bear market. That’s because many people think that they can only play in a bear market, and will become very weak in a bull market. For this reason, I would like to correct you here. This statement is absolutely wrong! ! ! Doubler in the bull market is even more attractive, because there will be huge TVL in the bull market, and Doubler’s big winner prize pool is definitely beyond your imagination.

Without further ado, let’s get straight to the point.

First, let’s borrow the simulation strategy analysis chart from another article so that everyone can better understand what Doubler needs to understand in the bull market later.

OK, let’s first introduce the important parameters used in this chart.

ETH price at launch: 1600 U

Unit Size (minimum participation amount): 0.1 ETH (minimum investment of 0.1ETH to play)

Units (creator investment): 10 units (initiator invests 10 units in total, 1 ETH)

The pool ends at the profit level: 5%

When the ETH price is 1600U and a pool is established, and the price drops to 1205.8, the average price of full positions at all levels is 1230.9U, and the profit-taking threshold of the pool is set to 5%. This means that when the ETH spot price reaches 1292.48U, the mining pool will be able to end and it will be time to collect food.

Therefore, the take-profit threshold algorithm is calculated as average price * Profit Lock percentage + average price

Please keep in mind the algorithm for taking profit thresholds

Analysis: When all 14 layers are fully stocked, the average price (1230.9) is 1.0208 times the spot price (1205.8), which means that even if the price plummets again, as long as the TVL of the subsequent layers is strong, the take-profit threshold can be reached It has dropped to an extremely low level, almost negligible. As long as there is a slight rebound, the pool will be over. Unless you set the Profit Lock percentage too high, there will be no problem.

PS: This is just a simulation strategy chart. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to achieve a full position on all levels, and the most important thing is that some parameters are set too high, so if it reaches 50 or even 100 levels in a plummeting situation, Then it will become more scary to cover the position later, so when establishing the pool, try to reduce the parameters Unit Size and Units, otherwise it will cause trouble to retail players with too high levels after encountering a waterfall.

After reading the detailed explanation of the take-profit threshold above, let’s start to analyze in detail the charm of Doubler during the bull market.

important hint:

When the spot price reaches the take-profit threshold, you must manually click END to end the pool! After the mainnet is launched in the future, those who are capable can develop a script to assist Doubler.

Analysis of bull market gameplay

This is BTC’s bull market chart from January 2021 to the end of July 2022

From the picture, you can see that there are a total of 8 points marked A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H, among which D.G.H are all high points that can end the pool.

Hypothesis 1: It is normal to build a pool at a high point and then fall sharply and then rise again (Profit Lock is 10%)

When we established a pool at point B at the high point of the bull market and set the Profit Lock to 10%, but the price plummeted to point A at 30004, this would cause the number of layers to get higher and higher, and people who would add pools later would Compress the average price of everyone in the front to an extremely low position. Of course, it is impossible to bring the average price to the same price as the spot price, but it is not much different.

First, let’s compare the gap between the testnet spot price and the average price.

This gap can be said to be very, very close. The pool was established at 1716.92. After the plunge, the average price was pulled to 1603.69, so there is no need to worry about the pool not ending due to the high take-profit threshold. Everything is just a matter of time. The lower the Profit Lock setting, the more you can close the dishes with a little rebound.

Then use the analysis of the simulated strategy chart just now to calculate again. When the whole layer is full, the average price is 1.0208 times the spot price. So if the pool price at point B falls to point A, then the average price is the spot price * 1.0208 = 30628.08, and point C is at 41329, then the spot price does not need to reach point C to end the pool. Collecting the dishes is an easy task. If we take a step back and calculate, there are not many people adding to the pool, and the average price is only 37,000. The price of the take-profit threshold is 37000*0.1+37000=40700. Then as long as the price is close to point C, the pool can be closed.

Hypothesis 2: The pool built at the high point plummets and then rises (Profit Lock is 50%) extreme

In this extreme situation, again based on the average price of 37,000 or even 40,000, even if it falls from point B to point A, as long as the price rises close to point G, the pool can be ended, plus Profit Lock is too high to achieve huge profits

Bull market gameplay summary

Based on this precise calculation, judging from the bull market trend chart, if you establish a pool at any point, as long as the Profit Lock is not set too high, you can basically end the pool at any time within 8 mark points. The biggest role of Doubler in the bull market is to protect those who think that the currency price has reached a high point and want to get out of the car but are afraid of breaking their legs, and those who want to get huge rewards and big winners in the huge TVL of the bull market. Under the constraints of smart contracts , 10,000 times more reliable than buying lottery tickets

But there is still a risk, and that is the process of bulls turning into bears. During this process, the currency price plummets and never looks back. How to use Doubler to make money in this state?

Come on, let’s look down together

PS: The entire article is analyzed based on the overall market line. If it is reduced to the time line or daily line, Doubler’s mechanism will be more interesting.

Analysis of how to play from bull market to bear market

This is the trend chart of BTC from the end of 2021 to today

When Bitcoin reached the highest point of 69,000, it began to fall rapidly, and then rebounded to point A of 48,200. As long as the Profit Lock is not set particularly outrageously, the pool can basically end, but a new one will be opened at 48,220. Will the pool end?

The answer is definitely yes, because the final algorithm of the profit-taking threshold is calculated based on the average price of the pool, rather than the highest point when the pool was established. When the bear market comes, the lowest position reaches point B 15476. According to the average price, almost all Calculated from a state that is relatively close to the spot price, when the spot price pulls back to three points of C.D.E, all the pools established at point A will be ended one after another, but the time period is a bit long.

Focus again

Profit Lock must not be set too high. If you set a high take-profit threshold percentage too blindly, everyone at the last level will have to pay for your wrong setting. Although the price of BTC will definitely rise again. But the time cost is very huge

So what is the best way to set the Profit Lock parameters? Let’s see together

0.5%-10% is a normal state. Even if the bull turns to bear, the pool can end in a short period of rebound. In a bull market or a bear market, it is almost a parameter that can be called permanent profit.

11%-20% is a relatively high state, but normally it is not a big problem. It is just that under certain circumstances it will lengthen the period for the end of the pool.

More than 25% is considered an extremely high level. In life, it is recommended not to play with fire, otherwise the added assets may not be available for a while.

50% is an extreme and extremely irrational investment behavior. It is recommended to stay away from this kind of pool, because the people who open this kind of pool are too greedy, so don’t harm yourself. Of course, dogecoins like pepe can be set up like this, because the fluctuations of this kind of dogecoin are very huge. As for whether the Doubler team will allow Dogecoin to go online, there is no way to know.

The above is all the gameplay analysis about the bull market. The only key point is that the Profit Lock setting should never be too high.

Some people may still think that this is an afterthought and that I am talking about the K-line, but the fact is that as long as the Profit Lock is set properly, you can still make money without the K-line. This is the most charming and charming thing about Doubler.

All the mechanisms and algorithms mentioned above have been personally tested by me, and they are completely correct. There is no problem with the algorithm formula.

In addition, if the TVL of the pool reaches a terrifying level, then the person who created the pool will be able to make money and achieve financial freedom.

Next, I will make some suggestions on the entire Doubler project mechanism.

1. As we all know, if you add a pool, you will get an NFT. It is not known whether this NFT can be used as the only certificate for withdrawing rewards. However, this mechanism can be added to facilitate the turnover of funds for subsequent people.

Reason: Not long after someone adds a large amount of funds to the pool, he is in urgent need of capital turnover to prepare for other things, and he happens to be unable to redeem the funds at the last level. If this happens, the NFT transfer mechanism becomes particularly important

2.Access to cross-chain bridges and exchange platforms will make it more convenient for everyone to exchange assets anytime, anywhere on Doubler.

Reason: Because there will definitely be more than a few coins after the mainnet goes online, and there will definitely be more than a dozen or even dozens of coins as time goes by. One person will definitely not prepare so many currencies. At that time, if I suddenly see a good pool for a certain currency that I can add to, and if the mainnet has a cross-bridge or exchange platform, I can immediately convert assets and join the pool in time.

3.It is strongly recommended to increase the threshold for establishing pools after the Doubler mainnet is launched, and try to control the number of all pools.

Reason: Because in the test network, the total number of pools has reached 46,000, 99% of which are unattended. Too many pools will cause the overall funds to be too dispersed. What the Martingale strategy needs most is funds. Concentration, if the funds are too dispersed, it may have a greater impact on the average price of the pool

4. Add more combustion mechanisms or scenario applications for the Doubler mainnet token DBR

Reason: Increasing the burning mechanism and scenario application of DBR will bring a better future for the currency price, and it will also make Doubler more outstanding. I suggest that a staking function can be added to DBR. Specifically, any currency that wants to be listed on Doubler can be used. After passing all the reviews, a large amount of DBR must be pledged before it can go online. This will also provide better future development for Doubler.

If you think this article is helpful to you, you can like it in the lower left corner. Thank you for reading. Let’s work hard together for the Doubler community.

