Doubler interaction fault complete repair tutorial

3 min readFeb 4, 2024



Recently, many people have been unable to interact with their wallets when adding mining pools to the testnet. This is due to the automatic addition of the Blast Sepolia testnet, resulting in many errors.

The fix is ​​to delete the Blast Sepolia test network that was automatically added before, then manually add the test network, and finally increase the gas. This can perfectly solve the problem of being unable to interact. Please see the tutorial below for specific operations.

First delete the test network and repair it

  1. Delete testnet from wallet

2. After deletion, manually add the test network

Then manually enter the corresponding network data yourself

Network Name: Blast Sepolia

RPC endpoint:

Chain ID:168587773

Currency symbol: ETH

Block explorer:

After filling in, click Save

Adjust gas during interaction

First, find a random mining pool and exchange or add it.

After popping up the wallet for the first time, approve the currency first. No modifications are required here.

After the wallet pops up for the second time, click the edit button

The serial number is marked above, edit it according to 1.2.3 Serial Number

No.1 fuel limit is revised to 5,000,000 (five million)

Number 2 is changed to number 3

Number 3 is changed to 3

After modification, it is shown in the figure below. Remember to click the checkbox to save as default.

After the modification is completed, click Save, and then interact again. The interaction will be successful in seconds. There will basically be no errors or failures. If there are, just try again.

PS: The saved default values ​​are the priority fee and the maximum fee. Fuel limits cannot be saved, so you need to modify them every time you interact.

This is the last chance to mine DBR. I wish everyone a bumper harvest in the new year.

