Doubler V3 Phase Advanced Details

Since the time for writing the previous article was too tight, I only briefly wrote an analysis of the mechanism. After a few days of detailed research, I discovered something even more interesting.

10 min readDec 14, 2023


The Doubler project team officially stated that the V3 version is the final stage of the test network, so the mechanism of V3 can be directly regarded as the main network mechanism. This article is also about mainnet.

Let me remind you again that the effect of leverage will indirectly increase the average price of the mining pool. This is very important. Whether it is a testnet or a mainnet, mining pool builders must pay attention, as shown below

The L0 level price is 17.18, the spot price is 14.16, the average price is 16.11, and the take-profit threshold directly soars to 17.4

Why is the average price so high? This is caused by the crazy increase of leverage by people at the previous levels, which is equivalent to doubling investment. If the leverage of the first few layers is too large and you want to lower the average price, the TVL of the subsequent layers must be several times the total TVL of the previous layers. It can be directly understood that the addition of leverage will indirectly increase the average price, so the take-profit ratio should not be set too high, 3%-5% is enough.

but! The higher the take profit parameter is set, the higher the profit. This parameter is very suitable for long-term stable players. Everything is based on personal goals. There is no worst pool at Doubler, just the best pool for you.

Another important reminder about leverage

Doubler itself will not directly generate gold standard profits, but using leverage will generate actual gold standard profits or losses, so be sure to consider your goals before using it.

By the way, let me explain why DBR production suddenly increased as the market soared. This is also the confusion that everyone in V1-V2-V3 has been having.

First, you need to know that the output of DBR is fixed and the allocation method is based on the number of block outputs. The higher the TVL, the more blocks the pool produces. The direct understanding is that the higher the TVL, the more DBR will be generated.

When the market plummets, from the perspective of God who can end mining pools in the future, the gold standard in Doubler is eternal, while the coin standard has been disrupting distribution. The simple explanation is that when the market is down or sideways, DBR production operates normally. But when the market surges, the currency standard will appreciate, and the currency in the pool will become more valuable because of the market surge. This is an invisible increase in TVL. When TVL soars, regional block output will suddenly become crazy, and DBR output will also increase as the number of blocks increases.

When the market suddenly explodes and then falls back, output sometimes increases and sometimes decreases. Since the daily output of DBR is fixed, if the TVL falls back, the surge in DBR output will also increase. will disappear

Summary: The output of DBR is relatively normal when trading sideways or falling, but a sudden surge in the market will lead to a large output of DBR, which means that in a bull market, the output of DBR will reach its peak. If the future value of DBR is very high, it is no exaggeration to say that this mechanism is money pouring on your head.

The change of V3 is to directly divide the pool into three large blocks.

1. Stable income pool

2. Gambling pool

3. Comprehensive pool

The birth of these three sections benefits from the new PR mechanism

The gameplay of the stable income pool is that everyone seeks stability, gives everyone profit points, and everyone makes money. This is the best place for large investors or institutions.

For example, if the price of a potato is $1 and 10 people each invest in 1 potato, the total value of the 10 potatoes is $10. When the market value of potatoes reaches $10, everyone will share the principal equally. The corresponding number of potatoes is 0.1 per person, and a total of 1 potato is distributed, with a total value of 10 US dollars. The other 9 potatoes are the profits brought by the market. The setting of this PR is to give everyone a certain share of potatoes and earn together. The lower the PR parameter is set, the more profit will be shared. This stable income pool will not bring a strong wealth creation effect, but it is definitely a method favored by big investors.

Gambling pools have a strong wealth creation effect. The higher the PR is set, the lower the reward and the more the big winners and creators share.

The comprehensive pool is designed to balance all reward distribution parameters. Big winners can also make a lot of money and get a lot of rewards. This kind of pool ensures the confidence of those who join the pool later, and also has the effect of making a small fortune.

The only thing these three mining pools have in common is that the upper levels are the favorite method of bargain hunting for big investors. However, the stable pool provides a more stable incremental income guarantee in the later period, while the gambling pool is more exciting and has the myth of getting rich overnight.

Compared with the stable pool and the comprehensive pool, the gambling pool is the most indispensable function of Doubler, because what the currency circle needs most is stories and popularity. The story is to stabilize the operation of the pool, and the popularity is determined by the gambling pool.

Therefore, when adding a mining pool after mainnet, it is very important to carefully look at the PR and RE parameters.


Stable pool: more suitable for large institutions or users with positions of hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. A large investor may be very small in the overall market. When encountering a relatively depressed market, the amount of funds of a large investor may not be enough, but when a group of large investors come together and use the same Martin strategy with huge funds, the energy is huge.

Gambling pool: more suitable for influential people or KOL, individual large investors and retail investors. Large investors drive retail investors to place orders until the TVL of the entire pool reaches a certain scale, and the myth of wealth creation begins. At that time, all speculators will come together to compete for the big winners. Betting pool END, at least one or two people will have wealth and freedom

Comprehensive pool: have your cake and eat it too, personal income decreases, and everyone’s income increases significantly. There is a feeling of robbing the rich and giving to the poor. It suits people of all characteristics. Don’t worry about currency risks when adding a pool (don’t add leverage at will).

The truth: The currency circle only needs stories and popularity

Like the recently popular golden dogs, inscriptions, and friends, they all have one of the strongest qualities, that is, they have a strong role in creating wealth. In fact, few people actually make big money on these projects. But it is the wealth creation effect of these few people that makes this project so popular.

But in the final analysis, 90% of people lose money, but this powerful effect overwhelms the sound of cutting leeks.

Therefore, in the currency circle, there must be popularity to have a future.

Apparently the betting pool is very popular.

Next, let’s talk about the two major types of users in the currency circle.

1. Big investors: The truth is always to ensure profits. For them, if they can get 5% or 10% profit from currency speculation, it is already very considerable.

2. Retail investors: Think of getting rich overnight and are more inclined to “gamble”

Doubler is a Martingale strategy trading tool, but its actual mechanics go beyond the Martingale strategy itself. A mining pool can be divided into two parts, one is the front layer, and the other is the back layer. The financial management method of the front layer can meet the needs of large investors. As long as the subsequent TVL is strong, the leverage utilization rate of the front layer can be used almost all the time, and the number of the back layer can also satisfy the “gambling nature” of retail investors. This “gambling” mechanism can also produce derivative wealth creation effects

Doubler puts two people with completely different ideas and goals into the same pool, which also has a strong wealth creation effect, and each gets what he deserves. This in itself is a kind of popularity, coupled with the top pool, people who join the pool must increase their TVL if they want to increase their income. There are two ways to increase TVL. One is to wait for others to join, and the other is to promote it yourself and let relatives and friends join. The higher the TVL, the more income he earns, which sounds like a pyramid scheme, but it’s not. As long as people in the later stage do not use leverage, they will not lose money, so in theory there is no situation of cutting leeks. People who join the pool will not lose anything at all, and the gold standard is still guaranteed. In addition, you may accidentally hit a big winner and gain wealth and freedom.

The most fascinating thing is that no one knows which layer counts as the front layer. Assume that floors L0-L20 all have TVL, but the TVL of floor L21 increases explosively, crushing the sum of all previous floors, then floors L0-L20 belong to the front floors.

Assuming that the TVL of the L0-L3 layer is extremely high, and the TVL of the L4 layer is average, then it is possible that the L3-L4 layer belongs to the later layer, while the L2 layer may only belong to the middle layer (based on currency, no profit or loss)

Important Reminder (Gambling Pool)

If big investors want to make more profits stably in Doubler, it is best to invite others to join your capital pool. Being invited to join the pool doesn’t mean it becomes a stepping stone. There is no END in the pool and no one knows which layer is the real front layer. This is where big investors lead retail investors.

Attached is a screenshot of the test network currency base income.

When it comes to the final level, there will definitely be no shortage of TVL, because there is no shortage of gamblers in the world. The higher the TVL, the richer the bonus. Income can be hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions. Once it reaches this level, no matter who it is, I believe no one can resist this temptation. As long as leverage is not used, there is no loss on the gold standard. This is a timeless mechanism. You either win big or get your money back

The mutual support of these two derivative mechanisms will lead to a spiral increase in benefits and an increase in DBR. The higher the value of DBR, the more worthwhile it is to use Doubler.

PS: Enabling double leverage and double principal entering the pool are two different things. Let’s say I invest 1 BTC in the last level to turn on double leverage. Then I would most likely suffer a loss on the gold standard unless the subsequent TVL amount was too high. Squeeze me to the front level. But I took two Bitcoins and added them to the pool. Even at the last level, wear and tear is guaranteed to a gold standard. The first tier is suitable for opening positions using leverage, while the later tiers are the perfect solution for doubling your own currency into the pool.

Regarding the issue of overly complex mechanisms

If you want to play Doubler, you must have a certain cognitive threshold. The timeline for this threshold is relatively long. It will take at least a week to understand this mechanism from scratch, and if it takes longer, it will take half a month to fully understand it. This is a comparison. Big problem, too unfriendly to newcomers

But due to the complexity of the mechanism, there is no way to make it simple and clear for people to understand immediately. All I can say is, keep it as simple as possible. By mastering the following points, you can get good at using Doubler even if you don’t understand all the mechanics.

1. Don’t build your own pool, follow pools with high TVL and Boost.

2. Don’t use leverage

3. Be sure to focus on PR and RE parameters and move towards your goals. It would be embarrassing if you don’t want to win big but have a stable pool.

4. Be sure to pay attention to the profit-taking threshold of the mining pool. Because the existence of leverage will virtually increase the average price, 3%-5% is the most appropriate. If it’s too high, don’t add to it unless you plan to go the long-term route.

5. Don’t exchange money early, especially on the last tier, as this will cause a lot of wear and tear. Just add it and wait quietly for the pool to end.

6. After the mainnet is online, try to divide the warehouse and add a mining pool. Don’t do everything at once unless the level is very early or you are very confident in your judgment.

That’s it. Newcomers please keep the above six points in mind. This is the only way to get started quickly.

