[V2 Test Network] Update the latest gameplay, super detailed! Guiding you in every direction

6 min readSep 19, 2023


The V1 test network was closed yesterday. Now the V2 test network has been officially opened. The official has updated more details of Doubler and optimized the overall gameplay. We will analyze the specific details slowly~ The author here provides you with a scalpel-like detailed analysis.


Briefly introduce the basic changes and new items


1.Pool Unit Size parameters

V1: Set minimum parameters for automatic

V2 changes: The automatic setting has been deleted and now requires manual setting. The minimum setting value is 0.0001.

2.Pool Market page

V1: Display the top three popular mining pools

V2: This recommended page has been deleted to expand the overall vision and make it simpler and more concise

3.Boost (instant incentive) reward distribution

V1: All mining pools can enjoy Boost bonus bonus

V2: Only mining pools whose TVL exceeds 1% of the Doubler protocol’s total TVL are eligible to receive Boost reward bonuses

PS: (While the V2 test network is not over, the official may adjust this incentive parameter at any time to obtain more effective test data.)

4.END POOL (end pool operation)

V1: The official did not clearly explain the reward algorithm for END POOL operators.

V2: It is clearly stated that the user who generates the “END POOL” operation will receive a 1% reward based on the cumulative DBR number of the target pool.

The above four items are detailed changes, all to more perfectly optimize the Doubelr mechanism. Let’s take a look at the new items


  1. Added a filter for the “Boost” pool, allowing users to filter all pools in the “Boost” status, making it easier for everyone to find pools with instant incentive blessings!

2. New parameter “last layer reward” (0%~10%)

This parameter can be said to be the most important change in the entire V2 test network, and it is also the most perfect optimization. If used well, it is the finishing touch, but if used poorly, it will backfire.

The emergence of Last Layer Reward directly changes the algorithm of the take-profit threshold.

The take-profit threshold algorithm of the V1 version is: average price * Profit Lock percentage + average price

The profit-taking threshold algorithm of the V2 version is: ((total cost — last layer cost) + (last layer cost * Last Layer Reward percentage)) / total number of shares * Profit Lock percentage

Remember the latest take-profit threshold algorithm formula! You can calculate it yourself according to the official example below. If you calculate it correctly, there will be no problem, and you will almost understand the essence.

Why is Last Layer Reward the top priority of this update? Let’s give an in-depth explanation of the benefits and disadvantages of the Last Layer Reward mechanism!

First, let’s look at a case where the Last Layer Reward parameter setting is improperly used.

It can be seen that in this pool, the Profit Lock setting ratio reaches 10%. Normally, this ratio is normal and not too high. However, due to the newly added mechanism Last Layer Reward set to 5%, the two data were superimposed on each other and directly pushed the average price up, breaking through the bottom price of the pool (6.79) and reaching an astonishing average price of 7.01. It is also because of this The extremely high average price caused the upper limit of the take profit threshold to skyrocket.

Normally, the average price is absolutely impossible to be higher than the L0 pool establishment price, but because of the improper setting of Last Layer Reward, the set price far exceeds the original psychological expectations. This is a negative case, students, please don’t step on the trap again! Otherwise, when the V2 testnet ends and the mined DBR cannot be used, it will be miserable.

Therefore, Last Layer Reward is a double-edged sword. You must be cautious when setting it. Try to set it at 1% or 2%. If it is too much, it will have the opposite effect. If you really want to set the Last Layer Reward ratio If it is raised a bit, then the ratio of Profit Lock must be lowered a bit to achieve a balance as much as possible.

Next, let’s analyze the benefits of properly setting Last Layer Reward

First, we need to understand what the last level of rewards means. The main purpose of the “Last Tier Rewards” is to provide guaranteed returns that will be added to the pool later. Everyone knows that big winners are hard to come by and almost entirely depend on luck. And now the official has added a reward mechanism for the last level, which greatly increases everyone’s income in the last level! This is done to encourage everyone to join the pool with more confidence. As long as you are in the last level, after the prize pool ends, even if you do not get the big winner reward, you can still get an additional average reward of the last level reward percentage! The more you invest in the last level, the more extra rewards you will get~

At the same time, the addition of the Last Layer Reward mechanism has also led to more ways to play.

For example: retail investor alliance

How to play it specifically? Create a retail community group and establish complete pool parameters. After being recognized by the majority of people, everyone will specialize in a pool and fill it up once it is open. This operation will greatly improve the pool. Profit cycle! After the number of layers is high, you can make an immediate profit as long as the currency price rebounds slightly. It should be noted that all assets added to the pool will basically not suffer much loss on the gold standard, and in addition to the big winners, there are additional final level rewards! Greatly increased everyone’s interest. In this case, the probability of hundreds of people specializing in one pool is very high.

All capable KOLs, organizations, or community teams can do the same as above to build their own pools and let their teams or fans specialize in one pool~

The author gives some suggestions on parameter settings.

The Max Reward Units parameter is full

It is best not to set *5 for the Double parameter, but do not set *2 either, because setting it too high will result in a very large replenishment space for subsequent layers. In certain circumstances, it is necessary to fill up the entire layer before the next layer can be opened. Setting Too little will result in money not being added even if you want to add it. In short, if you have more funds, set *4, and if you have less money, set *3. If the funds are extremely large, *5 is also acceptable.

Needless to say, the Fall Rate parameter is 0.5%, which is the best. Of course, you can also set it to 1%. The higher the setting, the more the price will drop before the next level can be opened.

The Profit Lock parameter was mentioned in my previous article. Below 10% is considered normal, and 11%–20% is considered high. However, because V2 has Last Layer Reward, try to set the first point. The two complement each other, Last Layer Reward If the Profit Lock is set higher, the Profit Lock will be lower. If the Profit Lock is higher, the Last Layer Reward will be set lower.

Last Layer Reward parameter, understood as above

It is best to give everyone a little more Share Ratio parameters, otherwise others will just see you making money while lying down, and they will be unbalanced. It’s okay to set 80%-90%, and you’ll basically have no objection if you take 10%-20%.

By the way, the Honorable Doubler status group is officially open. Those who are capable can go to DC to apply for invoicing. Those with the following five skills can be given priority for the Honorable Doubler status group.

Content creation, graphic design, community maintenance, media promotion, business development

Regarding the opening of the V2 test network, in the author’s opinion, it will not last long, probably no more than a month. So, fellow community members and loyal followers of Doubler, cheers!

