Personality and Computer Analysis

Piper Lowinger
1 min readApr 11, 2017


I recently completed one of those online personality tests. Personally, I think they’re somewhat bogus. I know what kind of a person I am, I don’t need computer analytics to tell me what the algorithm says I am. But what the heck, it might be fun to try and beat the system this time.

The quiz I took determined the time of day at which a person reaches maximum productivity, either morning or evening. If you want to try it yourself, click here. Personal disclaimer, I have always been a morning person. Waking up at 5am for track practice every day? No problem, I just like being awake. I organize my day based off of being productive at a relatively early hour. Being a morning person fits my schedule. There are too few hours in the day in which I can be productive, so might as well get a head start.

And what do you think the online quiz told me? You guessed it, that I’m a morning person. What a surprise.

