Unveiling the Mystery and Magic in the Power of Fairy Tales

Yvonne Pipkin
5 min readAug 13, 2023

Once upon a time, there was… We all know this is the beginning of a fairy tale. Fairy tales are stories for children involving fantasy and magic by fairies and wizards in which unlikely events lead to a happy ending.

Cinderella’s Slipper by Malinannton on Adobe Stock

Have you bounced sitting down on a huge ball or sprawled out on one? We were doing that in our Senior Fitness class when we cautioned each other to take care to not roll off. It instantly reminded me of being breakable like Humpty Dumpty, an egg character, who sat on a wall and had a great fall.

That led to a quick conversation about the true origins of fairy tales. My two friends in class pointed out that fairy tales did not originate with happy endings. What? I must be naïve because I never questioned the origin of the tales.

My friends forewarned me the original fairy tales were dark. Being curious, I had to find out for myself by doing some research.

Truth Behind Fairy Tales

What is surprising to know is the origin of fairy tales. The fact is that numerous fairy tales, and the legends behind them, are watered-down versions of uncomfortable historical events. My bubble has burst!

In the early 1800s the Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm, went on a quest to collect Germanic oral stories. The stories were based on true events that depicted the hardships in the lives of central Europeans. The brothers wanted to preserve the oral history of events by capturing the stories in writing.

From Reality to Enchantment

The Grimm brother’s first collection of written stories was based on actual, gruesome events. They realized that in order to sell their books, their stories needed to be lighthearted and with happy endings.

So, they focused their attention on the previously printed fairytales by Perrault who was considered the father of fairy tales. This Frenchman created some of the most imaginative and delightful stories ever told.

Even though Perrault’s tales were charming, they lacked sentiment. Why? Because they were written for adults and not for children. Children’s literature did not exist back then.

Fairy Tales Beginnings

Why does a fairy tale start with “Once upon a time,” “A long time ago” or There once was”?

The phrase once upon a time is something that once happened or existed long ago or in an imaginary universe.

Fairy Tale Plot

Writing a fairy tale plot involves three (3) events because it is easy to remember. For example, in the early versions of Cinderella, she dances three times with the prince at the ball.

There are also three elements of a fairy tale: fantasy, supernatural, or make-believe aspects.

Fairy Tale Endings

We all know that a fairy tale has a happy ending. In addition, a fairy tale generally has a moral or lesson at the end for children.

The moral of a fairy tale portrays good overcoming evil, the wicked being punished, and those with high ethical standards living happily ever after.

The Grimm’s fairy tales inspire hope that you can make positive changes in your own life and also in the world.

Grimm Brothers Fairy Tales

It is fascinating to know the Grimms spent 40 years perfecting their stories and published seven different editions. Wilhelm, the younger brother, constantly perfected the stories to be lighthearted and appeal to a broader audience.

Their collection of folk and fairy tales became the most famous in the Western world by the 20th century.

Tale of Cinderella in the Original Version

One of the most popular fairy tales today is Cinderella.

The origin of Cinderella by Perrault is based on Rhodopis, an ill-treated Greek woman with the name “rosy-cheeked” who was captured in Thrace, sold into slavery around 500 BC, and sent to Egypt as a young girl.

Perrault’s fairy tale of Cinderella is based on a true story with the gruesome element whereby the wicked stepsisters butcher their own feet attempting to fit into the slipper that the prince had discovered.

Because of her beauty, Rhodopis was a prized possession. Her master showered her with gifts, including a pair of golden shoes. These gold shoes and Rhodopis caught the attention of the Pharaoh Ahmose II who demanded she become one of his wives. She was expected to carry out the ceremonial duties of a wife even though she was not his principal wife nor respected since she was not of royal blood.

The original moral of the tale is a beautiful and nice woman can elevate her social status and enrich her life through marriage.

Current Version of Cinderella

The story begins when Cinderella is introduced as a wealthy man’s daughter. Her standing in the family changes after her mother dies and her father remarries. Cinderella now has a ruthless stepmother and two mean stepsisters.

“ONCE UPON A TIME a girl named Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters.”

Cinderella has no bed to sleep in after being exhausted from working hard and is forced to spend her nights sleeping in the ashes near the fireplace. Her stepmother and stepsisters call her Cinderella because she constantly appears dirty and dusty.

Cinderella’s fairy godmother appears and performs some magic by providing a beautiful gown, and a horse-drawn carriage transports her to the ball where she meets the prince with whom she falls in love. At the strike of the midnight clock, she must leave the ball immediately because the spell will be broken and she will return to wearing her rags and looking plain.

Scurrying out of the ballroom, Cinderella loses one of her glass slippers. The prince finds the slipper and searches for Cinderella to no avail.

The prince decides to go house to house trying on the slipper of each young lady. When the prince arrives at Cinderella’s house, she is locked in the attic while her stepsisters try to squeeze into the glass slipper. Cinderella’s animal friends come to the rescue and help free her. She quickly goes down the stairs and steps into the room where the prince is. Astonished the prince tries on the slipper and it’s a perfect fit.

The happy-ever-after ending is that the prince marries Cinderella and she forgives her dad and stepmother. Hoorah for a happy ending.

The moral of the current version of the tale and why it is so popular is that it is about hope when going through difficult times. It is also that goodness and kindness will be rewarded like Cinderella who is good and kind despite being abused by her stepsisters

Fairy Tale’s Power

I like that fairy tales instill moral guidelines and values in our children. It’s knowing it may take hard work, perseverance, patience, and doing the right things for the right reasons to have a happy ending in life.

Fairy tales are often the catalyst for children to dream.

It is the power of dreams which leads to aspirations. Here are a few inspiring quotes I would like to share.

Follow your Dreams image on Canva



Yvonne Pipkin

Writer | Published Author | Retired Career Woman. Writing for fun, sharing my experiences/interest in women’s empowerment.