The 4 breathing techniques for spiritually fulfilling sex.

Kimberly Yeoh
4 min readDec 10, 2019
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Mindful breathing has been recognized by businesses big or small as a way to increase productivity. There are countless articles on the internet that detail steps to practice mindful breathing to reduce stress from work, to channel creativity, and to be more focus.

On the casual side, the western society has begun to acknowledge the importance of mindful breathing in our daily lives to help us better manage our emotions, stay connected to ourselves, and of course, lead a happier life in general.

It got me thinking, “If mindful breathing has such a wide array of benefits, what if I breathe with intention during sex?”

Like many young women, I enjoyed exploring my own sexuality. I had casual sexual relationships with acquaintances and one night stands with strangers as a means to better understand my own body. I thought I was having the wildest times of my life but more often than not, I woke up feeling horrible after a long night of sex.

It became tiresome for me because sex felt like a sensational pleasure that didn’t lead to a lasting satisfaction.

Then I started dating my boyfriend about a year ago. Having a stable partner has allowed us to freely experiment sex in forms I had never imagined. All of a sudden, sex became more than the physicals…

