Pirate Spotlight: Volta

3 min readJul 12, 2022


Pirate Character Introduction

Welcome to the Pirate Ships P2E game’s first character spotlight for our privateer Volta.

“No need for any Powder Monkeys here. I’ve got enough voltage to zap your whole fleet straight to Davy Jones’ locker!” Volta.

Volta starter skin


Volta is fully charged and always ready for a battle. He is an energised Pirate who has harnessed the powers of Zeus to rain thunderous attacks on enemies’ fleets. There’s an old saying about Volta; “It doesn’t take a sea dog to know to batten down the hatches when ye see Volta’s flag. He can fry you quicker than your body will feed the fish.” With strong offensive abilities, he can take advantage of his passive to dish out multiple devastating strikes early on to snowball the battle.

Ability Breakdown

Passive: Energised

Passive: Energised

- Charges into the battlefield with max RUM (effect kicks in after setup).


- As the passive kicks in after the setup, be sure to utilise at least 1 ability on your first turn so that you still receive +1 RUM each turn. When your RUM is full at 10 RUM you will not receive +1 RUM at the start of your turn.

Ability 1: Electro Skip

Ability 1: Electro Skip

- Hits every second square in a line. Will stop if it lands on a hole. Can travel down elevation but will stop if travelling back up elevation!

o Use either scroll wheel or arrow keys to adjust the orientation of the ability.

- Cost: 4 RUM


- An amazing scouting ability which can hit a lot of squares early on. As it bounces and hits every other tile it’s great for targeting the opponent’s larger ships, the Galleon and Brigantines. This enables Volta to take them down quickly and begin the hunt on the smaller ships.

Ability 2: Circuit Breaker

Ability 2: Circuit Breaker

- Click on a red peg and the whole ship will be destroyed! Receive no RUM for destroying the ship.

- Cost: 1 RUM


- As circuit breaker destroys a ship that has already been tagged, it is extremely useful in saving time when all adjacent squares to the red peg haven’t been hit. By using the ability in this scenario, it saves any turns that could be wasted when trying to guess which direction the ship is in. It should always be used on the last ship of the game!

Ability 3: Triple Lightning

Ability 3: Triple Lightning

- Hit targeted tile and 2 other random tiles! Random tiles can be any elevation.

- Cost: 2 RUM


- Volta uses his electric powers to strike the board with a 3-tile hit. This ability proves to be useful when scouting for opponent’s ship locations. As it strikes 3 individual locations it can be effective when trying to hunt down the smaller ships.

