3 min readJun 14, 2016

Pirate Adventures

Pirate Adventures

peppa pig

Steel Clashing. Muskets firing. Cannons booming. Specters appearing through thick smoke with death for many years. You have not dreaming; you’re under attack through the scourge in the open seas: Pirates.

When most of the people think about Pirates today they picture the ever memorable Captain Jack Sparrow in the video Pirates in the Caribbean. Guess what happens What i’m saying is — the pirate bandana, the tricorn hat, loose shirt and pants with with an outer vest or pirate jacket with strapping boots. As weapons this imaginative pirate probably includes a cutlass in a hand plus a flintlock pistol inside the other. This idea of pirates, however, does not represent many pirates throughout the ages.

Perhaps providing people have been sailing the seas there has been people preying upon them. Many of the earliest known records of piracy are from Phoenicians well beyond 1000 BCE. The Roman Republic frequently had difficulty with pirates inside the Mediterranean and beyond. In fact, even famed Julius Caesar frolicked being a pirate prisoner. Eventually Rome had had enough and devoted entire armies to treatment of problem.

Throughout the Medieval Ages, the commonest pirates were the Vikings in northern Europe. Whilst they preyed mostly on land settlements, the basic premise of piracy was kept alive — plunder, the power of most pirates throughout any age. Far southeast with the Vikings, the many Muslim empires and Indian governments had their particular piracy problems too. The valuable cargo from the Far East was too tantalizing a prize to stand up to and merchant ships were often the victims of pirate attacks. Although the majority of the precious spices and silk that Europe and the Middle East craved a great deal originated China, China itself had many difficulties with pirates. Through the Qing dynasty, 17th — 20th century, pirate fleets grew powerful enough to rival the Qing navy!

Still, maybe the most well known and feared pirates ever were the ones from the islands. This is when the iconic image of a pirate arises from. A swashbuckler. Buccaneer. Pirate. Most active throughout the mid to late 1600s and also the early 1700s, pirates plagued hawaii at sea and so on land. Pirates on this age pillaged and plundered until people became afraid at the very sight of your pirate flag. Yet during this golden age, the actual pirate was different when compared to indisputable fact that most people have of which today.

Pirate ships were a few of the first and quite a few effective true democracies since the ancient greek language city states for example Athens. Captains were elected with the crew and although mutinies did happen, in case a captain didn’t fit the desires of a crew they generally just voted him, or her, out. Crews often decided the location where the ship would go and who it would attack, not the captain. On the other hand, certain captains and pirates did stick out and have become a dominating voice in the world of piracy: Blackbeard, Sir Francis Drake, Marie-Anne, Henry Morgan, Bartholomew Roberts for starters.

Blackbeard and Sir Francis Drake represent two very distinct styles of piracy. Blackbeard was obviously a ferocious warrior with an unstoppable power in battle. He probably wore the very distinct style of pirate clothing and took an extra step of putting slow burning matches under his hat to add smoke to his already terrifying appearance, making them resemble a fury from Hell. Sir Francis Drake wore wealthier, Renaissance style clothing and drank tea. Seeming more like a noble, Drake’s rich appearance contrasted sharply using the pure pirate look of Blackbeard. Both men, however, are legendary because of their exploits. Sir Francis Drake helped defend England from invasion from the Spanish and sunk numerous Spanish ships in the Caribbean and elsewhere. Blackbeard took dozens of ships and terrorized the water regarding his fleet, directing it from his flagship Queen-Anne’s-Revenge. peppa pig