World War I the war of nationalism

2 min readOct 1, 2023


A nation is a group of people who shares culture, language, and past

In early ages the nations were ruled by emperors. These emperors were said divine rulers. So the sovereignty belonged to kings. Public had to practise what their kings preached. So the era started, when people came to know that there should be popular sovereignty. They realised that they were dictated by emperors. There was a writer namely Rousseau who spread awareness among people,so they became protestants against their kings. In 1618 the thirty years war broke out in Europe against holy Roman empire because Catholic Christians wanted secular state.consequently the treaty of Westphalia was signed in Germany. According to this treaty the nation states were formed in crude form. The points of this treaty must be given here.

  • Principle of social equality/individual equality
  • Principle of recognition. A nation should recognize another nation.
  • Principle of of non interference. No nation can intervene another nation internally or externally.

Further more in 1789 the french revolutionaries fought against their king and they killed him. They realized everyone had the right to practice his religion. Additionally the whole world was still ruled by emperors. In 1914 nineteen years old goverillo princip the Serbian freedom fighter killed the heir of Austro-Hungarian empire Franz Ferdinand along with his wife sophie, this happened when he visited Bosnian invaded territory by Hungarians. Serbia and Bosnia were connected by geographically and ethnically. These both countries were slavs by ethnically. Around four hundred years these both were ruled by ottomans. Russia liberated them by ottomans influence. Now this time Hungarians invaded Bosnia and wanted to invade Serbia, but these Slavs wanted freedom. After the assassination of Ferdinand Hungarians declared war against serbia. Russian Slavs protested to help serbian slavs so Russia declared war against Hungarians they also involved their alliances in this war so the whole world was engulfed by the war. At the end several new independent countries were formed including Poland, Finland, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, lithuania ,the ottoman empire later became the country of turkey.In the last now the popular sovereignty exists among the states. This is the fruit of these struggles of freedom fighters. Now the states are called nation states.

