How to Avoid Rejection from a Girl-6 Powerful Advice

Eric P. Lane
7 min readJan 4, 2024


Embark on the dating adventure with newfound confidence as we explore tactics to minimize the impact of rejection. Before delving into this expedition, it’s imperative to acknowledge that certain factors lie beyond our control. Picture this scenario: the woman who has caught your eye might already be in a committed relationship, underscoring the significance of respecting her existing commitment. Additionally, individual preferences vary, with some placing importance on specific qualities, such as height. Let’s delve into discovering how to sidestep rejection from a girl.

Nevertheless, it’s vital to bear in mind that being turned down by a woman is not the apocalypse. In reality, it presents an opportunity to practice and refine your dating skills. Each rejection serves as a chance to learn, evolve, and gain deeper insights into what you seek in a potential partner. Therefore, embrace these experiences as invaluable lessons on your odyssey through the dating terrain, and continuously sharpen your skills for future.

1. “Flash a Bright Smile”

Your smile is like a magic wand in the world of dating. It can instantly make a good impression. Think of it as your personal invitation to connect. A bright smile tells others that you are friendly, approachable, and confident. When you greet someone with a real and open smile, it sets a friendly tone for your interaction.

In dating, a smile can silently say that you are interested, comfortable, and fun to be around. It can break down initial walls, making the other person feel more at ease and likely to respond positively. A warm smile is especially effective when you first meet or start talking, as it shows friendliness and honesty.

2. “Avoid Seeming Too Eager”

In the dating world, being too eager or desperate can complicate things. Imagine being super hungry or really, really thirsty for attention — not a good look. So, let’s stay away from giving off that vibe.

Instead, aim for a balance. Show your interest without appearing like you’re hanging on every word. It’s about being genuinely curious about the other person without making it seem like you desperately need their approval.

Why does this matter? Well, appearing desperate can make it seem like you’re not comfortable on your own, and that’s not the impression we want. We want to show that you’re confident and have your own things happening.

In dating, treat the other person as an equal. Be interested, but also let them see that you have your own life. This way, you create a fair situation where both of you are on the same page.

3. “Wear Your Best Look”

In the dating world, how you dress can make a big difference. “Wear your best look” means choosing clothes that make you feel good and show off your personality.

Think of it like putting on your favorite superhero costume — it gives you that extra boost of confidence. Wearing clothes that make you feel good not only changes how others see you but also changes how you see yourself.

Why is this important in dating? Well, first impressions matter, and what you wear is often the first thing someone notices. Dressing well shows that you care about yourself and the situation, creating a positive image.

It’s not about wearing expensive brands or following the latest fashion trends. It’s about finding clothes that make you comfortable and reflect your style. Whether it’s a clean pair of jeans and a nice shirt or a dress that makes you feel fantastic, the key is to be genuine.

4. “Be Yourself”

In the dating world, being yourself is like being genuine, no masks, no pretending. It’s about letting your true personality shine through, and it’s a powerful way to connect with someone on a real level.

When you’re yourself, you’re not putting on an act or trying to be someone you’re not. This authenticity is attractive because it shows that you’re comfortable with who you are. It’s like saying, “This is me, take it or leave it.”

Why is this so important in avoiding rejection? Well, people appreciate honesty and authenticity. If you’re real from the start, you’re more likely to attract someone who genuinely likes you for who you are, not for a version of you that you think they might prefer.

Being yourself also creates a comfortable and open atmosphere. It allows the other person to relax and be themselves too, fostering a connection based on mutual understanding and acceptance.

In contrast, pretending to be someone you’re not can lead to misunderstandings and disappointment down the road. So, being yourself isn’t just about avoiding rejection; it’s about setting the stage for a relationship built on trust and sincerity.

5. “Find Personal Success”

In the dating scene, achieving success isn’t about having a wallet full of cash; it’s about being a stable and resourceful individual. This advice suggests that showing you can take care of yourself and others is a positive attribute in the dating world.

Success, in this context, isn’t solely defined by material wealth but includes aspects like stability, ambition, and the ability to navigate life with a sense of purpose. It’s about displaying that you have your life together and can offer support and care.

Why is this significant in avoiding rejection? Well, stability is often attractive. It gives off a vibe that you’re someone who can handle life’s challenges and provide a reliable presence. This doesn’t mean you need to be a millionaire; it’s more about having your own means and resources.

When you’re successful in this broader sense, it can automatically set you apart from others. It communicates that you’re a responsible and reliable person, which can be appealing qualities in a potential partner.

6. “Moderate Your Alcohol”

In the world of dating, the advice to “moderate your alcohol” is a gentle reminder to be mindful of how much you drink during social encounters. While enjoying a drink can help ease nerves and create a relaxed atmosphere, overindulging can lead to undesirable consequences.

Why is this advice crucial in avoiding rejection? First and foremost, excessive alcohol consumption can impair judgment and hinder clear communication. It’s essential to be present and engaged during a date, and too much alcohol might cloud your ability to connect effectively.

Moreover, maintaining control over your alcohol intake is a sign of responsibility and self-awareness. It demonstrates that you’re focused on the interaction and value the company of the person you’re with. Nobody wants to feel like they’re on a date with someone who is more interested in their drink than in getting to know them.

Additionally, moderating your alcohol is a gesture of respect towards your date. It ensures that both parties are comfortable and able to make decisions clearly. It’s about creating an environment that fosters genuine connection, free from the potential missteps that can come with excessive drinking.

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In conclusion, navigating the world of dating becomes a more enjoyable journey when armed with practical strategies. Wearing your best look, being yourself, finding personal success, and moderating your alcohol collectively contribute to a confident and rejection-resistant approach.

It’s vital to understand that rejection, though initially challenging, is not a negative outcome. In fact, it serves as a valuable learning opportunity, offering the chance to refine one’s dating skills and better understand personal preferences. Each rejection is a step towards growth, building resilience, and ultimately preparing for a more successful connection in the future. Embrace these tips, stay true to yourself, and view rejection not as a setback but as a stepping stone toward becoming a more adept and confident dater. Thanks for reading and happy dating!

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Eric P. Lane

Raised in public, I am passionate about people, form singles to family and try to help as much as I can to improove people's life. Let's help eachother.