Review DNA — Metaverse Dualchain Network Architecture

Nguyen Piter
3 min readMar 1, 2020


Metaverse is a decentralized Blockchain platform in the field of digital assets, digital identifiers and oracle. Metaverse was founded by ViewFin Corp in 2016 and officially launched in 2017. ETP is the official token in Metaverse’s Blockchain platform that was released to the market through an ICO in 2017. Unlike like other Blockchain projects. Right from its release, ETP has been developed on Metaverse’s Blockchain platform. Also based on Metaverse’s foundation, DNA was established, with 5 components of next generation Blockchain:

  • Performance: The DNA chain delivers an exponentially faster throughput with greater transactions-per-second, providing a platform for powerful smart contracts and decentralized applications without bottlenecks, congestion or skyrocketing fees.
  • Identity: The Metaverse Avatar is an on-chain digital identity, capable of owning assets and participating in smart contracts or decentralized exchange. Unlike identity data storage in traditional systems, the Metaverse Avatar only reveals information when authorized by the user.
  • Interoperability: DNA is designed as a standard, to be employed on other public blockchains seeking to benefit from the scalability it offers. That standardization brings with it the potential for cross-chain dApp support and enhanced developer cooperation.
  • Security: The DNA chain uses a purpose-built delegated proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, in combination with the Metaverse basechain’s hybrid model. This radically increases complexity for would-be attackers while rewarding honest participants.
  • Oracles: Real-world data is brought on-chain by decentralized intermediary oracles. Whether market prices, sport results or the status of a shipment, oracles deliver information that makes smart contracts truly smart.

Based on the Metaverse platform, THE DNA TOKEN was born. Giving users a new, reputable option, quick transactions, high security features, etc.

Here’s what DNA has done and what DNA is aiming for:

The DNA chain is governed entirely by the community, rewarding all participants for their roles in the network:

  • Super Nodes: Super Nodes are elected or replaced by consensus among Regular Nodes and make decisions on any protocol change to the DNA blockchain.
  • Regular Nodes: Regular Nodes keep full copies of the Metaverse and DNA blockchains, and validate blocks to earn rewards. They can accept delegations from Child Nodes and return their proportion of rewards.
  • Child Nodes: Child Nodes do not need to maintain full copies of the blockchain, and can delegate their staking power to Regular Nodes to generate rewards.

With the achievements I’ve achieved, the DNA project has certain partners as in the image below. You can also read more DNA projects at the website:

For more details:

Author: truongnguyen1652

