The Ladies Circle 02

10 min readDec 23, 2020


The Confession of Grace Evans.

I took a deep breath as I pushed the doorbell of apartment number 15, and listened to the faint chimes fading to silence. Soon afterwards, the door was thrown open by a smiling mature lady saying, “Welcome, Father Michael, I’m so glad you could come.”

“Well, thank you Grace.” I replied, “But how could I resist your kind invitation?”

“Come in — come in,” she said, gesturing towards the lounge as I entered.

I should explain that Grace was a member of my ‘Ladies Circle’ who invited me to visit them from time to time. She also had a fetish about clergymen, which is why I came dressed as a Priest, as requested in the written invitation she had sent me.

Before describing Grace Evans, I should perhaps, briefly tell you that my real name is Roger Cox. I am 34 years old, tall, dark haired and reasonably good-looking. I am fortunate to be in very good health, thanks to regular workouts at my local gym, and to my healthy diet regime that gives me lots of energy and stamina.

Grace Evans was the first member to join the small, and very discreet, group of mostly mature ladies, for whom I provided personal services. She was a widow in her late fifties, and was blessed with a face and figure that made her look 10 years younger. Standing 5 foot 6 inches in her stiletto heels, and with short grey hair, she had a lovely smile that lit up her face. She was a very attractive lady, who also happened to be a woman of substantial means.

Being just a little on the plump side, she had soft womanly curves, nicely emphasised by the short low-cut black dress that she wore. Her femininity was further enhanced by the seamed black stockings, and black patent leather high heeled shoes that completed her outfit. I was very aware of the sexual vibes she emitted as she led me to the lounge, vibes that made my cock twitch in my trousers.

“Would you like an aperitif Father Michael?” said Grace, as I made myself comfortable on the settee.

“Yes please, a sherry would be very welcome.”

Grace fixed the drinks for us both, then settled herself on the armchair opposite me, revealing a lot of nylon-clad leg in the process.

“I have dinner simmering on the hob for us,” she said. “So we have plenty of time to talk, and for you to hear my confession if you would?”

“But of course, my dear, you know that is why I am here.”

We sat and talked for some time about the people we both knew and about how she came to join the select group that I mentioned. Grace was very easy to talk with, being the intelligent, articulate woman that she was. I happened to notice as we chatted, that she often crossed her legs, then slightly parted them again. Indeed, at one point, she accidentally raised the hem of her skirt so I could see her stocking tops.

Our conversation began to slow a little, so I suggested that perhaps now would be a good time to hear her confession, to which she agreed. She rose then to leave the room, and returned wearing a black lace shawl that covered her hair and reached to her shoulders. Grace then knelt on the cushion that I had laid on the floor, as I sat myself on a chair next to her. When ready, she began by reciting the confessional prayer, while I listened with my eyes closed.

Now I hardly need tell you that real priests are forbidden to divulge what is said in confession, but as I was merely pretending to be one, I can tell all. After confessing to some fairly mild ‘sins’, she got to a point where she seemed to have difficulty in expressing herself.

“Is there something else you wish to tell me my child?” I asked softly.

“Yes Father, there is,” she mumbled almost inaudibly.

“What is it?” I gently enquired.

“Well — I miss the things that I used to do with my late husband, and it’s on my mind all the time,” she replied.

“Tell me all about that which is troubling you,” I said, as I sat back in my chair.

“I’m embarrassed to tell you, but I greatly miss the adventurous sex life that we enjoyed together.” she said shyly, with cheeks ablaze.

“What kind of things do you miss my child?” I prompted her.

She paused for a moment, then said, “Well, for example he would often encourage me to expose myself in front of others, and I miss the excitement I felt whenever I did that.”

So saying she leaned forward so the top of her dress opened enough to give me a clear view of her breasts, almost to the nipples. By now, nature was taking it’s course, and I was becoming very aware of the stirring of my cock within the confines of my black clerical trousers.

“In what manner, do you like to expose yourself?” I murmured.

“I would have to stand to show you, Father,” she replied, “ May I?”

“But of course,” I said.

Standing now, she surprised me by lifting the hem of her skirt to the waist, then squatting slightly, she exposed her thighs and naked shaven pussy to me. I sat and gazed at this lewd sight for a long time, as my cock stiffened to full erection in my trousers. Her rapid breathing, and flushed cheeks, was evident of the excitement she felt by exposing herself to me in this uninhibited manner.

Grace moved now to sit on the floor, then laid back with legs wide apart, to give me an even better view of her moist bare cunt. We were both silent for a long time, as I indulged myself in gazing at the entrancing view under her skirt. The erotic tension between us made my unruly cock very hard indeed.

“Do you understand what I mean now Father?” whispered Grace as she raised herself on her elbows and slyly eyed the bulge in my pants.

“You know that is very naughty of you?” I said, in a stern voice. “And I will have to punish you as part of your penance because of it.”

“I know I am being very naughty, and of course I should be punished, but I haven’t shown you everything yet Father.”

“Well do show me more, as I need to fully understand what is troubling you?” I replied.

“But of course,” she said, laying back again with her legs still wide open. Then parting her cunt lips with delicate fingers, she exposed her moist inner pinkness for me.

“You realise this is very sinful?” I said, sternly.

“I know Father, but I can’t help myself,” she whispered.

“And you obviously intended this to happen, as I see you are not wearing underwear,” I rebuked her.

“Yes, I admit I did it on purpose,” she said, almost inaudibly.

“Then for your penance I’m going to give you three Hail Mary’s and a good spanking.

“Thank you Father, I know I’m a very naughty girl, and I deserve to be punished,” she replied, in a little girl’s voice.

“Get up now and bend over that armchair to receive your penance.” I ordered her.

Breathing heavily, she got up, went across to the armchair and dutifully bent over, while I took a flogger from my briefcase. I then went to stand behind her, and raised the back of her skirt to expose her bottom again.

I indulged myself then by having a good feel of her mature shapely bottom with my hand. My naughty fingers sometimes accidentally dipped into her moist honeypot, making her gasp each time.

Smiling to myself now, I said, “You really are a very naughty little girl to expose yourself in such a lewd manner, and in the presence of a priest too.”

“I am sorry Father, and I feel so ashamed to be exposed to you like this,” she mumbled into the back of the armchair.

“Think of your shame as part of your penance my child,” I replied, although I knew she was enjoying this very much.

Using my fingers now to part her bottom cheeks, I bent to examine her puckered bum hole. At this point my cock was fully erect and leaking enough pre-cum to make my briefs feel damp.

“Begin your penance now,” I ordered, in a commanding voice.

She hesitantly began reciting the well known prayer, “Hail Mary full of grace.” — ‘CRACK.’ A sound like a pistol shot rings out, as my flogger makes her bottom cheeks wobble.

“The Lord is with thee.” — ‘CRACK.’ Now the skin is reddening.

“Blessed art though.” — ‘CRACK.’

Grace managed to finish the first Hail Mary without too many pauses. During the second however, she faltered, so I stopped to let her catch her breath. Her bottom was now bright red and felt hot to the touch, but the skin was not broken.

She impressed me, by boldly pushing her bottom out again to invite the sting of my flogger. I knew that she was enjoying this because she had a previously admitted getting pleasure from being spanked by a younger man.

Stepping back for a moment, I ran the edge of the flogger up the cleft of her bottom. Then I gently stroked her cunt and bum hole with my fingers, making her gasp and sway with lust as I did so. Gradually I brought her to a fever pitch, panting and moaning until she came in a noisy shuddering climax. The intensity of her orgasm made her cunt juices trickle down her thighs, to settle around her stocking tops.

After a while, we recovered our composure, then I opened the big pot of cold cream I had brought with me. With her bent over the armchair still, I began to gently apply the cream to her scorched bottom.

“Oh Father Michael, that feels so wonderful.” Grace whispered as I applied the cold cream, paying special attention to her pussy and asshole.

Sometimes my naughty fingers dipped inside her hot wet channel, causing her to moan and push her bottom out even more. I was having a really hard time resisting the urge to plunge my fully engorged cock into her hot cunt. I was holding back, because in her written invitation, Grace had also requested that I prolonged our foreplay for as long as possible.

When I finished applying the cold cream I released her skirt so it fell into place. She now straightened up while gingerly rubbing her sore bottom, then making her way to the kitchen she said, “The dinner is ready by now, so if you come to the dining table I’ll serve it up.”

I’m not exaggerating when I say that Grace Evans is an excellent cook, and we had a wonderful meal together. We chatted away over dinner as if nothing unusual had happened, but I noticed her wince a few times as she down on her well-spanked mature bottom.

We had finished dessert and feeling replete with good food and wine when she said with a grin “I’m ready now for second dessert.”

At first I assumed she meant yet more food, but her grin told me otherwise. “Are you by any chance expecting me to supply this dish?” I asked.

“Well I was rather hoping you would,” she said, as her face reddened again.

At this, I got to my feet, and walked over to stand beside her as she smiled up at me. Slowly, I opened my fly, and lifted out my semi-turgid cock for her to eagerly finger and stroke. Her light feathery touches soon brought me to a full cock-stand again.

“May I?” she said, bending forward, to take just the head of my cock in her mouth, as if tasting it. Then taking in the whole length, she began moving her head back and forth, as she sucked my eager cock between her full red lips.

I was in seventh heaven at being sucked off by this older woman. The thought occurred to me, that anyone watching, would surely find the scene highly erotic, and exciting enough to want to masturbate to.

After a while she stopped to look up at me, her lipstick smeared all over my cock, and said, “I just love this dessert you’ve brought for me.” She then continued to suck my cock until I felt very close to coming.

“Stand up and bend over the table,” I commanded.

She eagerly stood and leaned over the table as I raised her skirts to expose again her reddened bottom. Bending slightly I guided my throbbing cock into her eager wet cunt and began to fuck her hard.

Very soon, I felt the tension in my balls increase until I began to moan in extasy as my orgasm arrived. She began to work her hips back and forth as my hot spunk sprayed her insides in delightful spasms. My coming triggered another orgasm in her, and she came again, as we both dissolved in an erotic haze.

I placed my hands on her waist, as I took time to recover from what felt like one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had. She turned to smile up at me impishly, then bending down she kissed my now deflating cock, then helped me tuck him into my pants.

After a final coffee together, I rose to take my leave, and thanked her for such an enjoyable evening as I kissed her hand.

“You can indulge yourself even more on your next visit, if you wish Father Michael. As you know, I like to be thoroughly used by a man.”

“Yes of course,” I replied. “It would be my pleasure.”

“And mine.” she said, looking me in the eye.

Grace had one final surprise for me when she said, “Now I want to make a donation to parish funds and I won’t hear of any refusal.”

So saying she took a large bulky envelope from her handbag and handed it to me. Now I knew this was all very irregular, but how could I refuse such a charming, devout and wealthy parishioner?

“Good night Grace,” I call, as I stepped into the hallway.

“Good night Father, and thank you so much for visiting me.” replied Grace. Then standing at her door, she waved to me until I am out of sight.

The End.

