A Tale of Two Sights: Unveiling the Connection Between CNNs and Your Marvelous Mind

Piush Sharma
4 min readNov 14, 2023


Imagine a fantastical journey inside your brain, where a magical place called the visual cortex paints the pictures you see every day. It’s like a secret world of wonders, and guess what? This hidden gem has a cool connection with something high-tech called Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). It’s like our brain has a buddy in the digital world, making the story of how we see things even more enchanting!

The Marvelous Symphony of Sight in Your Brain:

Let’s take a peek into the enchanted world of how your brain processes the vivid images that dance before your eyes. Imagine your eyes as the gatekeepers, letting the world in through the lens of light. This visual information takes a grand journey to the brain’s backstage, where the visual cortex takes the center stage.

(Image from news-medical.net)

The Spotlight on the Visual Cortex:

The visual cortex, a distinguished part of the brain, is like a masterful artist with a canvas, transforming the raw visual data into a masterpiece. It’s located at the back of your brain, and it’s here that the magic happens. Just like a maestro conducting an orchestra, the visual cortex orchestrates the patterns, colors, and shapes to create the symphony of your sight.

Hubel and Wiesel’s Cat Tale:

Our journey into this magical world wouldn’t be complete without mentioning two daring explorers, David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel. These intrepid scientists embarked on an epic adventure involving cats and unravelling the secrets of the visual cortex.

David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel: Google images

In their ground-breaking cat experiment, Hubel and Wiesel discovered that specific neurons in the visual cortex were specialized for detecting edges, lines, and other simple features. It was as if the visual cortex had its own team of detectives, each assigned to uncover a particular aspect of the visual landscape.

Hubel and Wiesel’s experiment on cat’s visual cortex: Google Images

The Spellbinding Similarity: CNNs and the Visual Cortex:

Fast forward to the 21st century, and enter Convolutional Neural Networks, the technological sorcerers inspired by the magic of the visual cortex. These artificial intelligence marvels are designed to process visual information much like our brain does.

Both CNNs and the visual cortex share a penchant for breaking down complex images into simpler components. The layers in a CNN act like the specialized neurons in the visual cortex, each layer honing in on specific features, just like the detectives in Hubel and Wiesel’s cat tale.

Working of CNN Vs Visual Cortex: Google Images

Layers: The Common Thread:

Imagine the layers of a CNN as chapters in the story of image recognition. Each layer unfolds a new facet of the visual tale, from basic outlines to intricate details. Mirroring the visual cortex’s layered approach, CNNs progress through stages, each contributing to the holistic understanding of an image.

CNNs: The Heroes of Today:

In our modern age, CNNs have become indispensable heroes. They power facial recognition, enable autonomous vehicles to “see,” and even assist in medical diagnoses by analyzing complex images like X-rays and MRIs. Their ability to discern patterns and features in data has brought about a revolution in artificial intelligence.

Applications of CNN

Tomorrow’s Hopes:

As we gaze into the future, the hopes for CNNs are as boundless as the human imagination. Perhaps they will unlock the mysteries of diseases through medical imaging, create art that resonates with the soul, or even help us explore distant galaxies through the eyes of powerful telescopes.

In this grand tale of sight, from the enchanted visual cortex to the cutting-edge CNNs, the connection between our mind’s magic and technological wizardry reveals a story of discovery, inspiration, and the unending quest to understand the wondrous gift of sight. The journey continues, and who knows what new chapters await in the book of visual exploration?

