The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

Pivot Pathways
5 min readJul 6, 2024


In the heart of Malawi, a small landlocked country in southeastern Africa, a young boy’s ingenuity and determination would change not only his life but the lives of his entire community. This is the story of William Kamkwamba, whose journey from poverty to innovation captured hearts worldwide.

Born in 1987 in Dowa, Malawi, William grew up in a farming family in the village of Masitala. Life was hard, with most families surviving on subsistence farming. The Kamkwambas, like many others, lived in a mud brick house without electricity or running water. They typically ate only one meal a day, and acquiring basic necessities was a constant struggle.

William’s world changed dramatically in 2001 when a severe famine hit Malawi. His family could no longer afford the $80 annual school fee, forcing 14-year-old William to drop out of school. For many, this would have been the end of their educational journey, but for William, it was just the beginning of a remarkable path of self-education and innovation.

Determined to continue learning, William began visiting a small community library near his village. It was here that he discovered a book that would change his life: “Using Energy,” an American textbook explaining how windmills could be used to generate electricity and pump water. The idea fascinated William, who saw it as a potential solution to his village’s problems of drought and lack of electricity.

With no formal engineering training and armed only with the knowledge gleaned from books, William set out to build a windmill. He scavenged for materials in a nearby scrapyard, collecting an eclectic array of parts: PVC pipes, a tractor fan, an old bicycle frame, and even a shock absorber. His neighbors and even his mother thought he was crazy, but William persevered.

After months of trial and error, ridicule from villagers, and battling against seemingly insurmountable odds, William’s creation finally came to life. At the age of 14, he had successfully built a windmill that could power four lights and charge cell phones in his family home. The moment the blades began to spin and the first light bulb flickered on was nothing short of magical for William and his astounded family.

Word of William’s incredible achievement spread, first through his village, then across Malawi, and eventually around the world. In 2007, William was invited to give a talk at the TED Global Conference in Tanzania. Despite never having been more than 40 miles from his home and speaking little English, William bravely took the stage to share his story.

His TED talk catapulted him into the global spotlight. Offers of support and education poured in. William was able to return to school, completing his secondary education at African Bible College Christian Academy in Lilongwe. He then received a scholarship to the African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg, South Africa.

William’s thirst for knowledge led him even further. He was accepted to Dartmouth College in the United States, where he graduated in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies. During his time at Dartmouth, he continued to work on projects to help his home village, including deep-water wells, malaria prevention, solar power and lighting for the primary school, and a drip irrigation system.

In 2009, with the help of journalist Bryan Mealer, William published his autobiography, “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.” The book became a bestseller and was later adapted into a feature film in 2019, directed by Chiwetel Ejiofor.

William’s story is more than just a tale of individual success. It’s a powerful reminder of the untapped potential that exists in communities around the world, often hindered by lack of resources and opportunities. His journey highlights the importance of access to education and information, and the transformative power of books and libraries.

Today, William Kamkwamba continues to work on projects aimed at improving life in rural Malawi and inspiring young people across Africa. He co-founded the Moving Windmills Project, a non-profit organization that supports Malawian-led rural economic development and education projects.

William’s story teaches us that innovation can come from the most unexpected places. It shows that with determination, creativity, and access to knowledge, it’s possible to overcome even the most challenging circumstances. His journey from a drought-stricken farm to a globally recognized innovator serves as an inspiration to people around the world, proving that one person with a dream can indeed make a difference.

William once said, “I try to encourage people to use their hands, to use their minds, to use the resources around them to try to do something great.” His life stands as a testament to these words, a shining example of the power of human ingenuity and perseverance in the face of adversity.

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1. Britannica:
— Article on William Kamkwamba detailing his background, achievements, and impact.
— [Britannica: William Kamkwamba](

2. Wikipedia:
— Comprehensive overview of Kamkwamba’s life, including his TED talk, educational achievements, and the adaptation of his book into a film.
— [Wikipedia: William Kamkwamba](

3. TED Blog:
— Exclusive interview with William Kamkwamba discussing his experiments and the challenges he faced.
— [TED Blog: How My Windmill Changed My Life](

4. William Kamkwamba’s Official Site:
— Detailed information on his book and the movie adaptation, along with his ongoing projects and initiatives.
— [William Kamkwamba: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind](

These sources provide a comprehensive view of William Kamkwamba’s remarkable journey from a village in Malawi to global recognition as an innovator and advocate for sustainable development.



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