10 things I’ve learned working from home

~600 days later

3 min readSep 3, 2014

The big dream becomes a reality too soon. Before you even know it, you went all for it and you are already working from home, at your own desk, under your own terms, being your own boss. Everything seems so great and you pat yourself at your back feeling proud for the choice you’ve made. A smooth ride everything from here, you say. Well, not really!

The first week passes and then reality strikes back. Your boss is starting to be really mean to you and you don’t even know why. You just would like to open this one tab and enjoy some social media or the review of this great Video Game/Movie/TV show. Or go out for that coffee you’ve promised. Thinking about it, taking a nap would be a nice idea. Or answering that call since the phone keeps ringing. Work could wait. After all, you are working from home; you should be able to do whatever you want.

There are many things that may become an obstacle when you are working from home. You haven’t thought about them at the beginning, but that’s ok. You will figure them out in the process and you will enjoy it when you find something that helps you overcome them.

I would like to share what I’ve learned so far that helped me be more productive, save time and keep my own boss (can be really mean sometimes, believe me!) happy. So, let’s start!

1. When it’s not your day, get over it

In my opinion this is one of the most important things I’ve learned. There will be some days when you won’t be able to work. No matter what you do, you just won’t get there. If you try and push yourself those days, you won’t achieve much and most probably the work that you’ll do, will be at best mediocre. These are special days, when you should turn off your computer, stop trying to get anything done and just relax your mind doing things that you love. The next day, you will feel refreshed, more productive and eventually produce quality work in a shorter period of time.

2. Turn off that mobile phone

Another crucial decision that helped me along the way was to put my mobile phone into airplane mode when I’m working. It isn’t that I got that many calls but there were days that one phone call could distract me so much, that it was impossible for me to continue from where I left off. So, don’t be afraid to turn off your phone, especially if it is going to help you in the long run!

3. Start your work day the way you want

Feel free to read the rest of the article over at our website at https://pixelcave.com/blog/10-things-ive-learned-working-from-home





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