Chapter One.

Pixel Luke
6 min readNov 16, 2022


This could not be crazier timing. Pixels turns 1 year old — today — and today we’re also releasing Chapter One.

We launched Pixels 1 year ago today with PixelBeasts!

Before we go into what’s next — I want us all to take a look at where we’ve come in a year and give appreciation to everyone who has turned Pixels into what it is today.

In just one year we have minted out an NFT in 21 seconds, given users access to their own virtual spaces they could customize, have done over 50 AMAs, built a world-class team, built one of the best web3 game engines in the market, and have grown an amazing community.

This has only been possible because of how hard this team has worked and how much of their souls they’ve poured into this project. The recent news in the web3 space is unfortunate — but our team couldn’t be more excited about the future.

The Pixels team is full of optimism and energy. It’s been exhausting getting all of this done but we’re also having so much fun. We can’t wait to show off what we’ve been working and we couldn’t be more excited about the next steps.

Chapter One

Chapter One looks very different from what our users were previously playing. We’ve spent a ton of time to really complete our core game experience. That being said — we’re going to keep improving and iterating on this game loop — basically forever. This is just the start.

Chapter One introduces…

  • A free-to-play loop with land that those users can customize
  • NFT traits are now reflected on land
  • New resource generators — called industries
  • New quests
  • Crafting
  • A new navigation system
  • A ton of new content that will have to be purchased with earned coins and crafted with rare resources
  • A rebalance of resource generation

Free-to-Play Land

Players will notice many new faces around Terravilla. One of our favorites is Ranger Dale. Ranger Dale is the head of P.L.O.T. — Permits and Land Office of Terravilla — if you talk to Dale and progress in our game you’ll be able to purchase your own piece of the Pixels Universe — with $BERRY.

The land purchased with $BERRY is a bit different than our NFT Farm Land. Firstly, it’s a lot smaller — but it also doesn’t get access to the full range of mechanics and resources that our NFT Farm Lands do. If a player wants to get all the resources and fully progress through the game, they will need to visit a variety of different farms. But these specks of land players can purchase with $BERRY are still place for them to call home a place they can show off to others! Players will be able to purchase items from our in-game stores with $BERRY to customize and upgrade their spaces.

Built on Polygon

All in-game ownership is also directly backed on Polygon. We create custodial wallets for every user when they sign up. Every item in-game is either an NFT or an ERC-20.

And much more…

There are a lot of new changes. The game will feel significantly different to users. We’ve also added in a ton of new easter eggs, mechanics, and things to do.

Our personal favorite new feature is the Sauna that you can visit if you’re ever low on energy.

Play-to-Airdrop Logistics

We had some amount of suspicious activity in our play-to-airdrop, which was anticipated. Over the last 2 weeks, we’ve been cleaning our data and will now require KYC for a small subset of users who are suspected to be potential bad actors. We’ve already purged many users with no chance to appeal. But don’t worry, not everyone will need to go through this process.

Users who are marked as suspects will have a small amount of time to appeal. Users who fail to appeal will be removed from our leaderboards and our team will readjust rankings. Some users who were on the edge of the leaderboard may still have a chance to make the top 20,000 after this purge.

Magna is assisting us with token allocation. Token allocation, vesting, and lockups for tokens will be ON-CHAIN.

December 1st

December 1st will be when our first claim period opens. On December 1st users will be able to…

  • Deposit and Withdrawal from custodial wallets
  • $BERRY distribution begins
  • In-game Trading

There will be several in-game activities that need to be accomplished in order to fully unlock the


Your first unlock of $BERRY will be available on December 1st. $BERRY will vest over the following 3 months.


We want to test our token allocation technology with $BERRY first. $PIXEL will be distributed shortly after. Users can expect more documentation around $PIXEL soon and also for $PIXEL to have a lockup of several months.

More information from our previous statements in this article:

End Of Year Roadmap

A few examples of new industries that will be released soon.

Over the next 2 months, we’ll be rolling out more and more content within Pixels.

  • More industries
  • More Craftables objects
  • New Items
  • In-game Marketplace
  • New Quests

Gridcraft & NuCyber

There are so many things we’ve been working on behind the scenes — it’s hard for everyone on the outside to keep track.

Almost all of the development of the Gridcraft and Nucyber Metaverses are done — and we think they look pretty great. Access to your Gridcraft Land & NuCyber Apartments is just around the corner.

These projects have been the ideal partners to work with and we’re super excited for what’s next. We have several notable partners in the pipeline after them.

Chapter Two

The team has started planning Chapter Two. Players who explore the nooks and crannies of Terravilla will notice some things that are… a bit strange…

Chapter Two will be released in Q1 2023 — and with it Pixels will be releasing a new limited collection on Ethereum that involves our next game mechanic.

$PIXEL integrated in-game at the release of Chapter Two and plays a crucial role in this game loop.

Both players and NFT Landowners will have unique opportunities to unlock the secrets that will be unveiled in Chapter Two. The most engaged players will have the most fortune.

Chapter Two is when we’ll begin to invest further in product-driven growth. Expect mobile optimization, localizations, and a greater focus on user onboarding. Chapter Two is when we’ll begin to move towards a larger casual audience.

Wow, what a journey it has been. We feel incredibly lucky to be building with all of you. We welcome all of you to this brand-new world.

