Pixel Luke
3 min readJan 5, 2024


Introducing $PIXEL: Web3’s most anticipated token

It’s finally here. $PIXEL, our highly anticipated token, is about to drop.

What is $PIXEL:

$PIXEL is a premium in-game currency in Pixels. Unlike $BERRY, which operates on an inflationary model and can be easily acquired through in-game interactions to facilitate gameplay, $PIXEL will be difficult to come by & provide different utility. Expect utility that will enhance gameplay but will not hinder free-to-play players from participating.

Utility you can expect:

➡️ Guild features

➡️ Pet Mints

➡️ Quality of Life enhancements

& so much more.

How will it be generated:

Players will be able to earn $PIXEL by playing Pixels, but not as easily as they can $BERRY. $PIXEL generation is loosely integrated to the core gameloop of Pixels, unlike $BERRY. Only top players will be able to earn $PIXEL by completing challenging tasks or actively contributing to the ecosystem’s growth.

Please note that the $PIXEL token will only be distributed through our rewards dashboard. Stay diligent.

The $PIXEL Whitepaper will be released shortly!

How it all started: Play-to-Airdrop

One year ago, we ran an experiment and coined it ‘Play-to-Airdrop’ (P2A). This was a brand-new concept. It allowed anyone with a wallet & an internet connection to participate. Users didn’t have to join alpha groups or get whitelist codes from influencers; they just had to play the game. Since then, the concept of P2A has taken over Web3. P2A campaigns have become the new standard.

We are quickly approaching the token generation event (TGE) for $PIXEL. To express our gratitude and welcome new users to the Pixels Universe, we’ve opted for a P2A 2.0 campaign. Rest assured, we are committed to honoring our promise and ensuring fair allocation for qualifying participants from our previous P2A campaign.

How to participate: P2A 2.0 starts now!

This P2A is totally different. Say goodbye to the days of tirelessly harvesting Scarrots until your hand ached!

There are still badges to earn, but they’re a bit different. And I heard there might be some new quests coming out as well!

How to play:

1️⃣ Login to Pixels! If you’re new, you’ll need to create an account: https://play.pixels.xyz/

2️⃣ Head to the Pixels Dashboard to find the P2A 2.0 badges page: https://pixels.xyz/airdrop2

3️⃣ Work through the tasks required to get badges

4️⃣ Look out for more badges being added throughout the campaign!

Everything you need to know:

➡️ P2A 2.0 will run for 2 weeks

➡️ New badges will be added throughout the campaign

➡️ The top 7,000 players on the P2A 2.0 Leaderboard will qualify for the $PIXEL airdrop

➡️ 1,000 players that have a score over 3,000 will randomly selected to receive $PIXEL allocation as well

➡️ The higher your Reputation Score, the better:

  • 1000+ = 10% multiplier
  • 2000+ = 20% multiplier
  • 3000+ = 30% multiplier

➡️ Refer friends to earn more points!

➡️ Leaderboard rank is updating hourly

➡️ Qualifying participants from our first Play-to-Airdrop will still receive $PIXEL, regardless of participation in P2A 2.0

Why we’re doing it:

You’re still early. Pixels has been around for 2 years, but we’re just getting started. We have ambitious goals, including the establishment of a sustainable Web3 ecosystem with $PIXEL. This P2A campaign is designed to cater to our entire user base, spanning from longtime players to newcomers, social players, crypto enthusiasts, and everyone in between. We want to build a user base with aligned incentives, and get our token into their hands. A Play-to-Airdrop system the best way to do so.

Wrapping it up:

We’re just scratching the surface of what’s possible, and there’s much more to come. We’re excited for the future of Pixels, our community, and Web3 gaming as a whole. We’re honoured and excited to be on this journey with each and every one of our users. Thank you for being part of the ride so far. See you on the farm!

