Advantages to Animated Logo Making

Pixels Logo Design
2 min readMar 29, 2017


The difference between simple and animated logo is that the latter is a step ahead in every aspect. It is more appealing to the eye and sharper. Logos are something that we see every day. Wherever we go we are bombarded by them. We retain some of them that appeal to us while other’s we ignore. So what makes a logo more appealing? The answer may vary from person to person but there are certain aspects that are common. Animated logo making tends to serve those appealing aspects of the customer. Some of the benefits are

Retaining attention

While viewers are spending more and more time online, it is important for the brands to cater to their needs. This has also led to huge amount of content available for consumer to look upon. So that means businesses need to think out of the box to retain customers attention. The recent surveys show that consumers are looking for instant gratification. Using animated logo making in video content can be an answer to your problem. As more and more people are looking at video content the chances are far greater for you that customer retains your logo, by adding animated version of it in the video.

Increased brand awareness

It has been observed that animated logos are more recognizable and memorable than a simple static logo. A consumer would have to make many interactions with the static logo before recognizing it completely, while an animated logo can do that with just a single interaction. It creates a sense of anticipation and prediction in a consumers mind which helps to memorize later on. Thus an animated logo is performing one of the mo0st important functions for any brand that is brand awareness.

Better storytelling

Animated logo making can also contribute to your brand’s overall narrative. Using a static logo in the video content can break the narrative resulting in viewer’s lack of interest. Animated logo can help you to not break the flow and keep viewers emotionally involved in the whole process.



Pixels Logo Design

Pixels Logo Design is a digital marketing agency based in California that offers branding solutions for small and large businesses worldwide. Founded in 2006,