From the Desk: An Open Letter to the Pixel Vault Community

Pixel Vault
5 min readMay 10, 2022


To my Pixel Vault family (and our web3 community more broadly),

A Look Back

Happy Anniversary — it’s been exactly one year since we launched PUNKS Comic #1. And wow… look at how far we have come! Ignore current market dynamics for a moment and reflect on what has transpired in a mere 365 days. Not only have we built at the cutting edge of an emerging field, but we have done so rapidly. PUNKS Comic was a completely novel idea, and well, people didn’t understand it at first. Issue #1 took five weeks to sell out — typically a death knell for an NFT project. Yet our community rallied behind the people, the art, the stories… and the game theory. PUNKS marked an important first — the first NFT project to explore intellectual property and storytelling as its primary focus. Today, web3 is full of storytellers — virtually all legitimate projects have leaned into the concept that creating stories not only drives value, but also builds communities. I believe that this is an incredibly powerful legacy for our comic and our business.

What started as a handful of strangers on the internet has now grown into a team that is FIFTY strong! I have always been of the belief that you should invest in people above all else and we have certainly backed up that mantra this year. Pixel Vault’s greatest differentiator is our team. Bull market or bear, we are a team of builders, relentlessly dedicated to telling great stories and embracing new technology for and alongside our community. We have never been more motivated than we are today.

As I have publicly mentioned in the past, I risked everything that I had (and more — leaning on friends and family) to help bring this company to life. It is not lost upon me that your support has made this dream a reality. I humbly thank each of you for the role you have played in Pixel Vault’s growth over the last year and ask you to continue building alongside us in the years to come.

I’d like to take this opportunity to share some important updates (including our new website and logo), while refreshing our ongoing commitment to serving the ever-expanding worlds of PUNKS, MetaHero, and our vision for writing the creative future together.

Pixel Vault, Chapter II

From day one, PUNKS Comic and MetaHero Universe were created for (and by) the community. I’ve always envisioned Pixel Vault as the bridge to an inclusive, accessible, collaborative, and open world. Not just referring to web3, but disrupting the tech, social, and entertainment landscapes more broadly to create an equitable tomorrow. Many likeminded dreamers have joined the cause from media and interactive entertainment companies like TikTok, Hulu, Zynga, Bungie, Microsoft Games, Blizzard, Samsung, Hasbro, and Warner Bros (to name a few). NFTs are here to stay.

As we now exit our self-imposed quiet period, having delivered on our existing roadmap and reset expectations, I would like to give you an idea of the exciting things to come:

PUNKS Ecosystem: The only “bluechip” without an identity — won’t be that way for much longer.

Genesis Comic Set: PUNKS Comic, Issue #3 will complete the Genesis Comic set and will be the last standard issue made available for sale (but don’t worry… the stories will continue). Issue #3, expected in June, will be the PUNKS x MetaHero crossover edition and will distribute many of the remaining Heroes, Mutants, and Cores that are currently held in the Pixel Vault, Inc. multi-sig.

More PUNKS Content: Courtney will get her time to shine as we are actively in talks to bring PUNKS to mainstream entertainment mediums.

“Sidekicks”: We are working on arguably the most complex PFP collection to date in the NFT ecosystem.

  • Part I: DOTs will be comprised of seven unique tiers. Collectors will have a chance to transform their DOTs into larger characters with greater skills. These DOTs will be critical to the first stage of the MetaHero Universe game.
  • Part II: As part of this game, and in connection with the DOTs, “Species” native to each planet will be revealed. [Looking at you, planet holders]

MetaHero Upgrades:

  • We are working with one of the most respected content studios in the world to reimagine what Identities, DOTs, and Species can look like.
  • This is a world that will embrace creativity. Many artists and storytellers will have the opportunity to give their viewpoint on what the world looks, feels, and sounds like.
  • “Style lockers”: Holders will have the opportunity to swap and display their characters in a multitude of styles (non-dilutive). This story has only just begun…

Strategic Advisors: We’re bringing on board leading Hollywood creative talent to help bring our stories to life on screen. More importantly, they are helping us to reimagine the Hollywood business model, towards one that prioritizes inclusivity and fosters positive change.

United Planets DAO: The complex United Planets DAO structure is set to be completed this summer. I am of the opinion that this will be the most creative DAO structure to date — a technical leap forward. DAO voting (internally and across planets) will be a major component to the MetaHero Universe game and ecosystem. Pixel Vault will gamify DAO participation and hopes to set the standard for what an active and engaged community can accomplish in web3. We are counting on you!

Pixel Vault Gaming: Led by Aaron St. John, former CEO of HitPoint Studios and Co-Founder of LuckyPoint Labs (both acquired by Penn National Gaming, Inc.), Pixel Vault Gaming (16 team members strong and growing!) will, over the next year, be launching a gaming platform and accompanying portfolio of games in the MetaHero and PUNKS Comic brand universes. The team will create a place to expand the collective story of these IPs that at the same time continues to drive value, utility, and (most of all) FUN to our existing NFTs and tokens.

MetaHero Universe Game: In partnership with a global, indie studio focused on the future of AAA games, we are working to bring the MetaHero Universe to life within an immersive 3D environment within the next year.

Pixel Vault Sports: Our shared passion for sports led us to spin up a sports division, focused on telling athlete-inspired stories. We’ve brought on Tzvi “T” Twersky, former Sports Marketing Lead at TikTok and CMO of the Mamba Sports Academy, to lead the charge on this front. We’ll share more on May 20 on the main stage at VeeCon, so stay tuned to learn how we’ll be providing benefits to existing PV NFT holders.

Merch: We are working on the freshest gear in the Metaverse. We have teamed up with renowned designers across fashion and creative to bring you merch for PUNKS, MetaHero, and PV — available for purchase in our native currencies. We’ll share more soon about these upcoming limited edition collections.

And that’s really just the start of it. As you can see — we have been busy. Strap in folks, this is going to be one hell of an adventure.

Stay building,


