Rubikon 2022 | Movie Review | Is it worth to watch ?

1 min readJul 17, 2022


About the Movie-

The chatty, lo- fi sci- fi drama” Rubikon” feels like a teleplay that was made on a slightly advanced budget. suckers of this type of academic fabrication will presumably enjoy” Rubikon” indeed more knowing that it’s primarily set in one position( a commercial- possessed International Space Station) and substantially enterprises three astronauts who all mistrust each other.

The time is 2056, and oxygen- producing algae societies are the key to humanity’s survival. Our three protagonists — Hannah( Julia Franz Richter), Gavin( George Blagden) and Dimitri( Mark Ivanir) — be to retain these algae, so now they must decide who’ll live and who’ll die from the relative safety of their confined space station. Rubicon.

Rubicon ” gives sci- fi suckers a safe, B- position look at the interpersonal drama that erupts amid a “ Star Trek ”- inspired and occasionally “ The Twilight Zone ”- inspired triadic- play at the end of Civilization’s time. This modest sci- fi film seems antique now; he also tends to be more satisfying for the meaty counteraccusations of his dialogue than anything actually on screen.” Rubicon” is a comforting film about read more

