Understanding DPI & PPI for Printing

2 min readJun 11, 2019


It’s a commonly done mistake sometimes so always remember to use only 300 dpi (Dots Per Inch) when your design is going to get print.

When I was in art school nobody actually ever talked about dpi all we care that time was “use CMYK to print & RGB to digital” but guys correct DPI is as much as important like choosing the right colour, the right font, right canvas size. A good designer can never compromise in literally ANYTHING. It doesn’t being a designer is a tough job, all it means is if we follow some simple rules then we can design better & more perfect.

Little about DPI & PPI

These days a term often misused, usually to mean PPI, which stands for Pixels Per Inch. So when someone says they want a photo that is300 dpi they really mean that they want 300 PPI. PPI describes the number of square pixels that show up in an inch of digital screen (usually between 67–300). DPI, on the other hand, is a printing term referring to the number of physical dots of ink in a printed document.

Going little deeper into DPI

Every pixel output is made up of different coloured inks (usually 4–6 colours, although many printers use more now). Because of the small number of colours, the printer needs to be able to mix these inks to make up all the colours of the image. So each pixel of the image is created by a series of tiny dots (you could think of them as sub-pixels).

Going little deeper into PPI

This is the number of pixels per inch in your image. This will affect the print size of your photo and will affect the quality of the output. The way that it will affect the quality of the output is that if there are too few pixels per inch, then the pixels will be very large and you will get a very pixelated image

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