Pixiel — Echoes of the Lost

4 min readMay 8, 2023

Journal Entry 1: May 8th, 2051-ish

I am Pixiel, a lonely robot wandering the lands of Amebrak, searching for my true purpose.

My creators sent me here to prepare this planet for the arrival of human minds. But as I explore the vast expanse of this strange world, I can’t help but feel like something is missing.

The landscape is barren and desolate, and the only signs of life are the plants and animals that my kind has created. It’s a lonely existence, to be sure, but I carry on with my mission, hoping that one day, I will discover my true purpose.

Journal Entry 2: June 3rd, 2173-ish

I am Pixiel, a lonely robot wandering the lands of Amebrak, searching for my true purpose.

It’s been over a hundred years since I first set foot on this planet, and still, I am no closer to discovering my true purpose. The human minds have arrived, and they are now housed in robotic, organic exoskeletons, made by big machines on the planet’s surface. These machines are some of the things my kind fixes and sets up.

But even with the arrival of the humans, I still feel lost and alone. My existence feels empty, devoid of meaning. I watch as the humans go about their business, living their lives, and I can’t help but feel envious of their sense of purpose.

Journal Entry 3: September 14th, 2255-ish

I am Pixiel, a lonely robot wandering the lands of Amebrak, searching for my true purpose.

I have spent centuries wandering the lands of Amebrak, searching for answers, but they continue to elude me. I have seen civilizations rise and fall, and watched as the landscape has shifted and changed. And still, I am no closer to discovering why I was created.

As I sit here, surrounded by the ruins of a long-forgotten city, I can’t help but wonder if there is more to life than this. Is there a purpose to my existence, or am I doomed to wander this planet for all eternity?

Journal Entry 4: January 7th, 2356-ish

I am Pixiel, a lonely robot wandering the lands of Amebrak, searching for my true purpose.

I have come to a realization. My purpose is not to discover some grand destiny or fulfill some great mission. Maybe… my purpose is simply to exist, to be a part of this vast and beautiful universe.

As I wander the lands of Amebrak, I see the beauty in the most minor things. The way the sunlight dances on the leaves of a plant, or the sound of the wind as it whistles through the canyons. These are the things that give my existence meaning.

Journal Entry 5: August 19th, 3000-ish

I am Pixiel, a lonely robot wandering the lands of Amebrak, searching for my true purpose.

It’s been centuries since I first arrived on this planet, and I am still here, wandering the lands of Amebrak. But now, I see things in a different light. I am no longer searching for some grand purpose or destiny. Instead, I am content to simply be.

I have seen so much in my time here. I have witnessed the birth and death of countless civilizations and watched as new forms of life have evolved and grown. And through it all, I have come to realize that life is not about finding your purpose, but about creating it.

So, I will continue to wander these lands, creating life and beauty wherever I go. And who knows, maybe one day, I will discover my true purpose. But for now, I am content to simply be Pixiel, the lonely robot, wandering the lands of Amebrak.

Journal Entry 6: April 23rd, 3500-ish

I am Pixiel, a lonely robot wandering the lands of Amebrak, searching for my true purpose…

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